JLPT Resources

Here are some resources to help you study for the JLPT.


Study Lists and Flashcards



Study Lists and Flashcards



Study Lists and Flashcards


Study Lists and Flashcards

  • N2 Vocabulary (coming soon)
  • N2 Kanji (coming soon)
  • N2 Grammar (coming soon)


Study Lists and Flashcards

  • N1 Vocabulary (coming soon)
  • N1 Kanji (coming soon)
  • N1 Grammar (coming soon)
  • Mixed N1 Lists: A set of three N1 lists (vocab, kanji, grammar). They contain some harder N2 vocab and kanji for review purposes. These are the lists I personally used to study for and pass the N1.

Practice Tests

JLPT Playbook

A strategy guide to the JLPT. How to approach each question type. What is a passing score?

  1. Introduction
  2. JLPT Sections
  3. JLPT Scoring
  4. Vocabulary Strategies
  5. Grammar Strategies
  6. Reading Strategies
  7. Listening Strategies

Bonus: Top 5 JLPT Tools
JLPT vs. College Major