Download JLPT N3 Kanji List With Examples

This is my JLPT N3 Kanji List. Each character comes complete with on- and kun-readings, meanings, and relevant examples from N3 (and sometimes lower levels) vocabulary.

This list contains only new characters for the N3. Be sure you are current with all your N4 and N5 kanji as well with my N4 Kanji List and N5 Kanji List. I highly recommend that you upload all the N3-N5 lists into your SRS flashcard software so you can commit them to long-term memory and know them forever.

Astute readers will notice that the total kanji count for my N3-N5 kanji lists is about 750 characters. This is slightly higher than the generally accepted guideline of 650 characters. Why does my list have so many more characters? JEES (the creator of the JLPT) no longer publishes required vocabulary, kanji, or grammar lists for each JLPT level. That means we have to make an educated guess about what content will appear on the test. I would rather learn 100 extra kanji and have a good shot of passing the test rather than trying to guess the exact 650 kanji on the JEES N3 master list.

If you find any errors or characters that should be included on this list that are not, let me know by using the contact form.


JLPT N3 Kanji List

Kanji On-Yomi Kun-Yomi English Examples
リョウboth; counter for carriages/cars (e.g., in a train)両替 (りょうがえ) money exchange
両方 (りょうほう) both; both sides
両親 (りょうしん) both parents
beforehand; previous; I; myself予報 (よほう) forecast; prediction
予期 (よき) expectation; assumption
予測 (よそく) estimation
予算 (よさん) estimate; budget
予約制 (よやくせい) by reservation
ソウあらそ・うargue; contend; dispute論争 (ろんそう) dispute; controversy
戦争 (せんそう) war
競争 (きょうそう) competition; race
コウか・わす、まじ・える、まじ・わる、ま・ざる、ま・じる、ま・ぜるassociation; coming & going; mixing交換 (こうかん) exchange; substitution
交際 (こうさい) company; friendship
外交 (がいこう) diplomacy
交通 (こうつう) traffic; transportation; communication
交差点 (こうさてん) crossing; intersection
ほかanother; other; the others他人 (たにん) another person; others
他社 (たしゃ) another company
他 (ほか) other (place, thing, person)
つ・く、つ・けるadhere; append; attach; refer to付き合い (つきあい) association; socializing
味付け (あじつけ) flavoring, seasoning
寄付 (きふ) donation
受付 (うけつけ) reception; information desk
片付ける (かたづける) to tidy up; to put away
デンつた・う、つた・える、つた・わるcommunicate; report; follow; tradition伝統 (でんとう) tradition; convention
手伝い (てつだい) help
伝える (つたえる) to convey; to report; to tell
手伝う (てつだう) to help; to assist
くらいrank; grade; about; some; crown; throne位置 (いち) place; position
単位 (たんい) unit; denomination
地位 (ちい) position; status
位 (くらい) about
ケイかかり、かか・るconcern oneself; connection; duty; person in charge人間関係 (にんげんかんけい) human relations
係 (かかり) person in charge; clerk
信頼関係 (しんらいかんけい) trusting relationship
関係 (かんけい) relationship; connection
シンtrust; to entrust; truth; faith; fidelity信じる (しんじる) to believe; to place trust in信号 (しんごう) traffic signal
信念 (しんねん) belief; faith
信用 (しんよう) confidence; trust
信頼 (しんらい) reliance; confidence
ソクがわside; lean; oppose; regret右側 (みぎがわ) right side
左側 (ひだりがわ) left side
側 (そば) beside; proximity; besides
ゼンすべ・て、まった・くall; entire; fulfill; whole全体 (ぜんたい) whole; entirety
全員 (ぜんいん) all members; everyone
全国 (ぜんこく) nationwide
安全 (あんぜん) safety; security
全部 (ぜんぶ) all; entire; whole
ダイ、ナイうちinside; within; house; home; among; between内容 (ないよう) contents; substance; details
以内 (いない) within; up to; less than
家内 (かない) (hum) wife | one's family
案内 (あんない) guidance; showing around
レイさ・ます、さ・める、つめ・たい、ひ・える、ひ・や、ひ・やかす、ひ・やすchill; cold (to the touch); cool冷凍庫 (れいとうこ) freezer
冷静 (れいせい) calmness; composure
冷える (ひえる) to cool down; to get cold
冷房 (れいぼう) cooling; air-conditioner
冷蔵庫 (れいぞうこ) refrigerator
ショはじ・め、はじ・めて、はつbeginning; first time初心者 (しょしんしゃ) beginner
最初 (さいしょ) beginning; first
初めて (はじめて) for the first time
初めに (はじめに) first; at the beginning
き・くadvantage; benefit; profit不利 (ふり) disadvantage; handicap
利口 (りこう) clever; shrewd; well-behaved (of kids, animals, etc)
利益 (りえき) profit; gains
有利 (ゆうり) advantageous; profitable
権利 (けんり) right; privilege
便利 (べんり) convenient; handy; useful
くわ・える、くわ・わるadd; addition; Canada; include; increase; join加える (くわえる) to add; to include
加わる (くわわる) to be added to
加減 (かげん) adjustment; add and subtract
参加 (さんか) participation
参加者 (さんかしゃ) participant
増加 (ぞうか) increase; growth
ジョすけ、たす・かる、たす・けるassist; help; rescue助ける (たすける) to save; to rescue; to aid
助手 (じょしゅ) assistant; helper
援助 (えんじょ) aid; support
救助 (きゅうじょ) relief; aid
ロウlabor; reward for; thank for; toil; trouble労働 (ろうどう) labor; work
苦労 (くろう) hardship; labour; toil
ショウか・つ、まさ・るexcel; prevail; victory; win優勝 (ゆうしょう) overall victory; championship
勝ち (かち) victory
勝手 (かって) one's own convenience
勝手に (かってに) selfishly, of one's own convenience
カ、ケば・かす、ば・ける-ization; change; influence; take the form of化学 (かがく) chemistry
化粧 (けしょう) makeup; cosmetics
化粧品 (けしょうひん) cosmetics
変化 (へんか) change; transformation
文化 (ぶんか) culture
タンmerely; one; simple; single単なる (たんなる) mere; simple
単に (たんに) simply; merely
単位 (たんい) unit; denomination
単純 (たんじゅん) simple; plain
単語 (たんご) word; vocabulary
簡単 (かんたん) simple
ゲンはらfield; meadow; plain; original; primitive原 (はら) field; plain
原因 (げんいん) cause
サンまい・るcome; go; visit; participate; to intersect; be appened to参加 (さんか) participation
参加者 (さんかしゃ) participant
参考 (さんこう) reference
参考になる (さんこうになる) to be of use (as a reference)
参る (まいる) (hum) to go; to come; to call
タン、ハン、ホンそ・らす、そ・るanti-反抗 (はんこう) opposition; resistance
違反 (いはん) violation; offense
反対 (はんたい) reverse; opposite | to object to; to oppose
シュと・るfetch; take取り上げる (とりあげる) to pick up; to adopt; to accept | to confiscate
取り直す (とりなおす) to re-obtain
取引先 (とりひきさき) customer; client
受け取る (うけとる) to accept; to receive
取り替える (とりかえる) to exchange; to replace
ジュう・かる、う・けるaccept; receive; answer; catch受かる (うかる) to pass (examination)
受け取る (うけとる) to accept; to receive
受ける (うける) to take (a test); to receive
受付 (うけつけ) reception; information desk
ゴウyell; call; name; nickname; number信号 (しんごう) traffic signal
番号 (ばんごう) number
コウむ・かう、む・く、む・ける、む・こうpeel; face; tend toward; confront傾向 (けいこう) tendency; inclination
向かい (むかい) facing; across the street
方向 (ほうこう) direction; orientation
向う (むかう) to face; to go towards
向こう (むこう) opposite side; other side; opposite direction
クンきみyou; male name suffix; ruler君 (きみ) you
~君 (~くん) Mr. ~ (used for someone of equal or lesser status)
コクつ・げるannounce; inform; revelation; tell報告 (ほうこく) report; information
報告書 (ほうこくしょ) (written) report
広告 (こうこく) advertisement
警告 (けいこく) warning; disclaimer
ショウあきな・うtrade in; make a deal; merchant商人 (しょうにん) trader; merchant
商品 (しょうひん) good; merchandise
商売 (しょうばい) trade; commerce
商店街 (しょうてんがい) shopping area; shopping arcade
新商品 (しんしょうひん) new product
エンそのgarden; park; yard動物園 (どうぶつえん) zoo
公園 (こうえん) park
ヘンか・える、か・わるchange; strange; unusual変化 (へんか) change; transformation
変更 (へんこう) change; alteration
変える (かえる) to change; to alter
変わる (かわる) to change
大変 (たいへん) very; terribly | difficult; hard
フ、フウおっとhusband; man夫人 (ふじん) (hon) wife; Mrs
夫婦 (ふうふ) married couple; husband and wife
工夫 (くふう) scheme; device
丈夫 (じょうぶ) healthy; robust; solid; durable
大丈夫 (だいじょうぶ) safe; all right; alright; OK
シツうしな・うbe defeated; lose; overlook; error; fault失望 (しつぼう) disappointment; despair
失業 (しつぎょう) losing one's job; becoming unemployed
失敗 (しっぱい) failure
失礼 (しつれい) impolite; rude | excuse me; I'm leaving
シュ、スまも・るprotect; defend守る (まもる) to protect; to guard; to uphold; to follow
留守 (るす) absence; being away from home
カンcompletion; end; perfect完了 (かんりょう) completion
完全 (かんぜん) completeness
完成 (かんせい) completion; accomplishment
カンbureaucrat; government; organ (body)警官 (けいかん) police officer
ジョウ、テイさだ・か、さだ・まる、さだ・めるdecide; determine; establish; fix勘定 (かんじょう) calculation; computation; consideration
否定 (ひてい) denial; repudiation
安定 (あんてい) stability; steadiness
定期 (ていき) fixed period; fixed term
決定 (けってい) decision
予定 (よてい) plans; schedule | expectation; estimate
ジツみ、みの・るreality; truth事実 (じじつ) fact; reality
実に (じつに) indeed; really; truly
実は (じつは) as a matter of fact; frankly
実施 (じっし) enforcement; implementation
実現 (じつげん) implementation (e.g. of a system)
カク、キャクclient; customer; guest; visitor乗客 (じょうきゃく) passenger
観光客 (かんこうきゃく) tourist
観客 (かんきゃく) spectator
客 (きゃく) customer; visitor
宿シュクやど、やど・す、やど・るto stay; lodge; inn; dwelling宿泊 (しゅくはく) lodging
下宿 (げしゅく) lodging; boarding house
宿題 (しゅくだい) homework; assignment
サツclearly understand; know well; judge; classify観察 (かんさつ) observation
診察 (しんさつ) medical examination
警察 (けいさつ) police; ploliceman
タイ、ツイanti-; oppose; face; answer; respond対する (たいする) to face (each other); to confront; to oppose
対象 (たいしょう) target; object; scope
絶対 (ぜったい) absolutely; unconditionally
反対 (はんたい) reverse; opposite | to object to; to oppose
キョクpunctuation; division; bureau; department; board (of a game, ex. shoji)テレビ局 (テレビきょく) television station
結局 (けっきょく) after all; ultimately
薬局 (やっきょく) pharmacy
郵便局 (ゆうびんきょく) post office
局 (きょく) bureau; department
さ・すdifference; discrepancy; distinction; variation; to dispatch; to recover差別 (さべつ) discrimination; differentiation
差し上げる (さしあげる) (hum) to give; to offer | to raise
交差点 (こうさてん) crossing; intersection
差す (さす) to hold up (an umbrella, etc.); to put up; to raise
差 (さ) difference; variation
セキseat; place; mat出席率 (しゅっせきりつ) attendance rate
座席 (ざせき) seat
欠席 (けっせき) absence; non-attendance
出席 (しゅっせき) attendance; appearance
席(せき) (せき) seat
シキform; rule; to conform; ceremony; rite成人式 (せいじんしき) coming-of-age ceremony
正式 (せいしき) official; formality
~式 (~しき) a ceremony
式 (しき) equation; formula
トウあ・たる、あ・てるfit; shoulder; bear; appropriate当たる (あたる) to be hit; to strike; to be selected; to win
当てる (あてる) to hit; to put on; to expose
当時 (とうじ) at that time; in those days
当然 (とうぜん) natural; of course
担当 (たんとう) being in charge; being responsible for
担当者 (たんとうしゃ) person in charge; person responsible
相当 (そうとう) considerably; rather; quite
見当 (けんとう) estimate; guess
適当 (てきとう) suitable; appropriate
弁当 (べんとう) bento; Japanese box lunch
本当 (ほんとう) truth; reality; actuality
ギョウ、ケイかた、かたちform; shape; style人形 (にんぎょう) doll; puppet; figure
形 (かたち) form; shape
エキ、ヤクrole; work; service役割 (やくわり) part; role
役立つ (やくだつ) to be useful
役に立つ (やくにたつ) to be useful
役 (やく) use; service; role
ヒツかなら・ずcertain; inevitable; invariably必ずしも (かならずしも) not always; not necessarily
必死 (ひっし) frantic; desperate
必ず (かならず) certainly; without fail
必要 (ひつよう) necessary
ネンbear in mind; attention; sense; thought信念 (しんねん) belief; faith
記念 (きねん) commemoration; memory
残念 (ざんねん) bad luck; regret
ソクいきbreath; respiration; interest (on money); son息が切れる (いきがきれる) to be out of breath
息が止まる (いきがとまる) to stop breathing
息 (いき) breath
息子 (むすこ) son
ソ、ソウconcept; idea; think; thought思想 (しそう) idea; ideology
想像 (そうぞう) imagination; guess
理想 (りそう) ideal
連想 (れんそう) association (of ideas)
カンemotion; feeling; sensation感動 (かんどう) being deeply moved emotionally
感心 (かんしん) admiration; being impressed
感情 (かんじょう) emotion; feelings
感覚 (かんかく) sensation; feeling
感謝 (かんしゃ) thanks; gratitude
ジョウ、セイな・す、な・るbecome; turn into; grow reach; elapse完成 (かんせい) completion; accomplishment
成人 (せいじん) adult
成人式 (せいじんしき) coming-of-age ceremony
成功 (せいこう) success
成績 (せいせき) results; grades
成長 (せいちょう) growth
センいくさ、たたか・うbattle; match; war大戦 (たいせん) great war; World War
戦い (たたかい) battle; conflict
戦争 (せんそう) war
戦う (たたかう) to wage war; to fight
トウな・げるthrow; hurl; abandon; give up投票 (とうひょう) voting
投げる (なげる) to throw
セツおり、お・る、お・れるbend; break; fold; submit; yield骨折 (こっせつ) broken bone
折る (おる) to break; to fold
折れる (おれる) to be broken; to be folded
さ・す、ゆびfinger; indicate; point to指導 (しどう) guidance; instruction
指導員 (しどういん) instructor
目指す (めざす) to aim for; to shoot for
指輪 (ゆびわ) ring (jewlery)
指す (さす) to point; to specify; to select
ハイやぶ・れるdefeat; failure; reversal失敗 (しっぱい) failure
ス、スウかず、かぞ・えるnumber; figures; to count; fate; plan人数 (にんずう) number of people
数える (かぞえる) to count
数字 (すうじ) (math) numeral; digit; number
数学 (すうがく) mathematics
数(かず) (かず) number; amount
シャク、セキむかしantiquity; old times; once upon a time昔 (むかし) a long time ago
サクprevious; yesterday昨年 (さくねん) last year
昨晩 (さくばん) last night
一昨年 (おととし) year before last
昨夜 (ゆうべ) last night
昨日 (きのう) yesterday
セイは・らす、は・れるclear up素晴らしい (すばらしい) wonderful; splendid
晴れ (はれ) clear weather; fine weather
晴れる (はれる) to clear up; to be sunny
キョクま・がる、ま・げるbend; lean; curve; fault; injustice; melody; composition作曲 (さっきょく) composition (of music)
曲る (まがる) to turn; to bend
サイもっと・もextreme; most最低 (さいてい) least; lowest; worst
最終 (さいしゅう) last; final
最高 (さいこう) most; highest; best; finest
~最中 (~さいちゅう) in the middle of ~
最初 (さいしょ) beginning; first
ボウ、モウのぞ・むambition; aspire to; desire; expect; hope失望 (しつぼう) disappointment; despair
希望 (きぼう) request; hope; aspiration
希望者 (きぼうしゃ) applicant
望み (のぞみ) wish; desire
望む (のぞむ) to desire; to wish for
キ、ゴdate; period; term予期 (よき) expectation; assumption
学期 (がっき) school term; semester
定期 (ていき) fixed period; fixed term
延期 (えんき) postponement; deferment
時期 (じき) time; season
not yet; still; sign of the ram未来 (みらい) the future
バツ、マツすえclose; end; posterity; tip年末 (ねんまつ) end of the year
粗末 (そまつ) crude; rough; shabby
週末 (しゅうまつ) weekend
末(すえ) (すえ) tip; end
末(まつ) (まつ) the end of
ソクたばcontrol; manage; ream; sheaf約束 (やくそく) promise; agreement
は・たす、は・て、は・てるfruit; finish; complete; achieve効果 (こうか) effect; efficacy
効果的 (こうかてき) effective; successful
結果 (けっか) result; consequence; outcome
果物 (くだもの) fruit
ヨウさまpolite suffix; manner; situation; way同様 (どうよう) identical; equal to
様々 (さまざま) various
様子 (ようす) state; situation; appearance
模様 (もよう) model; pattern; example
王様 (おうさま) king
オウよこhorizontal; perverse; side; sideways; unreasonable; width; woof横切る (よこぎる) to cross (e.g. road)
横断 (おうだん) crossing; traversing
横 (よこ) horizontal (as opposed to vertical); lying down
はたmachine; airplane; opportunity; occasion; efficacy機嫌 (きげん) mood; spirits | be in a good mood
機械 (きかい) machine; apparatus
機能 (きのう) function; feature
機会 (きかい) chance; opportunity
飛行機 (ひこうき) airplane
ケツか・く、か・けるlack; gap欠ける (かける) to be chipped; to be broken | to be lacking; to be insufficient
欠席 (けっせき) absence; non-attendance
欠点 (けってん) defect; flaw; weak point
欠陥 (けっかん) defect; deficiency; shortage
シ、ジつぎ、つ・ぐnext; order; sequence次々 (つぎつぎ) in succession; one by one
次回 (じかい) next time
~次第 (~しだい) depending on ~; as soon as ~
次 (つぎ) next; following
tooth虫歯 (むしば) cavity; tooth decay
歯医者 (はいしゃ) dentist
歯 (は) tooth
ザンのこ・す、のこ・るleftover; remainder残業 (ざんぎょう) overtime (work)
残念 (ざんねん) bad luck; regret
残す (のこす) to leave (behind, over)
残り (のこり) remaining; left-over
残る (のこる) to remain
キュウもと・めるdemand; request; want; wish for求める (もとめる) to want; to request; to seek
要求 (ようきゅう) demand; request; requirement
請求 (せいきゅう) billing (for a service); claim
ケツき・まる、き・めるagree upon; appoint; decide; fix決定 (けってい) decision
決心 (けっしん) decision; resolution
解決 (かいけつ) solution; resolution
決して (けっして) never; by no means
ジ、チおさ・まる、おさ・める、なお・す、なお・るsubdue; suppress; calm down; cure; conserve政治 (せいじ) politics; government
治る (なおる) to be cured; to get well
ハッ、ホウ、ホッlaw; rule; method; model; principle作法 (さほう) manners; etiquette
憲法 (けんぽう) constitution
方法 (ほうほう) method; way; process
文法 (ぶんぽう) grammar
法律 (ほうりつ) law
カツlively; living; be helped活動 (かつどう) activity
活気 (かっき) energy; liveliness
活用 (かつよう) practical use; application
生活 (せいかつ) life (one's daily existence); livelihood
リュウ、ルなが・す、なが・れるflow; current; unconfirmed洗い流す (あらいながす) to rinse off
流れる (ながれる) to flow (liquid, time, etc.); to be washed away; to be broadcast; to circulate
流行 (りゅうこう) fashion; fad
流す (ながす) to drain; to pour; to wash away; to broadcast; to circulate
流れ (ながれ) current; flow | course of events
ショウき・える、け・すextinguish; cancel; neutralize; turn off消費 (しょうひ) consumption; expenditure
消防 (しょうぼう) fire fighting
消しゴム (けしごむ) eraser
消える (きえる) to go out; to disappear
消す (けす) to erase; to delete | to turn off power
コウみなとharbor空港 (くうこう) airport
港 (みなと) harbor; port
マンみ・たす、み・ちるsatisfy; fullness不満 (ふまん) dissatisfaction; discontent; displeasure
満ちる (みちる) to be full; to mature; to expire
満足 (まんぞく) satisfaction; contentment; sufficient
満開 (まんかい) full bloom
テンpoint; period; decimal point; speck; spot欠点 (けってん) defect; flaw; weak point
要点 (ようてん) gist; main point
交差点 (こうさてん) crossing; intersection
点 (てん) spot; mark | score; points | number of points
ネツあつ・いfever; heat; mania; passion熱中 (ねっちゅう) enthusiasm; mania
熱帯 (ねったい) tropics
熱心 (ねっしん) zeal; enthusiasm
熱い (あつい) hot (thing) | passionate (feelings, etc.); ardent
熱 (ねつ) heat; fever; passion
キュウたまball; sphere地球 (ちきゅう) the earth; the globe
地球上 (ちきゅうじょう) on the earth
球 (きゅう) sphere; (baseball) counter for balls
ユ、ユイ、ユウよしreason不自由 (ふじゆう) disability; impairment (physical, mental, etc.)
経由 (けいゆ) through; by way of; via
理由 (りゆう) reason; motive
自由 (じゆう) freedom
シンもう・すto say; to explain申し訳 (もうしわけ) apology; excuse
申し込む (もうしこむ) to apply for
申し上げる (もうしあげる) (hum) to say; to tell
申す (もうす) (hum) to say; to be called
バンnumber in a series順番 (じゅんばん) order; sequential order
番組 (ばんぐみ) program (e.g. TV)
一番 (いちばん) first | best; most
番号 (ばんごう) number
~番 (~ばん) number (in a series)
ト、トウのぼ・るascend; climb up登山 (とざん) mountain climbing
登る (のぼる) to ascend; to climb
ジキ、チョクただ・ちに、なお・す、なお・るfrankness; honesty; repair; fix取り直す (とりなおす) to re-obtain
正直 (しょうじき) honesty; frankness
直ちに (ただちに) at once; immediately
直に (じきに) in person; firsthand
直接 (ちょくせつ) direct
ショウ、ソウeach other; together; mutual; minister of state; phase相当 (そうとう) considerably; rather; quite
相手 (あいて) compaion; partner; other party
相続 (そうぞく) succession; inheritance
首相 (しゅしょう) Prime Minister; Chancellor
相談 (そうだん) consultation; discussion
コク、シャク、セキいしstone宝石 (ほうせき) gem; jewel
石油 (せきゆ) oil; petroleum
石炭 (せきたん) coal
石けん (せっけん) soap
石 (いし) stone; rock; gem
ライ、レイbow; salute; gratitude; ceremony礼儀 (れいぎ) manners; etiquette
失礼 (しつれい) impolite; rude | excuse me; I'm leaving
お礼 (おれい) (pol) thanks; gratitude
シン、ジンかみgod; soul神様 (かみさま) god; deity
神経 (しんけい) nerve (medical)
精神 (せいしん) mind; soul; heart; spirit
神社 (じんじゃ) Shinto shrine
department; section教科書 (きょうかしょ) textbook; coursebook; schoolbook
科目 (かもく) (school) subject; curriculum
科学 (かがく) science
シュたねseed; species; class; variety一種 (いっしゅ) species; kind
人種 (じんしゅ) race (of people)
種類 (しゅるい) type; kind; category
種 (たね) seed (e.g. of a plant)
ショウえ・む、わら・うlaugh微笑む (ほほえむ) to smile
笑顔 (えがお) smiling face; smile
笑い (わらい) laughter; smile
笑う (わらう) to laugh; to smile
はこbin; box; case箱 (はこ) box; case; chest
ベイ、マイこめrice; metre; USA米 (こめ) rice
ヤクapproximately; promise契約 (けいやく) contract
婚約 (こんやく) engagement; betrothal
節約 (せつやく) economising; saving
予約 (よやく) reservation; appointment
約束 (やくそく) promise; agreement
くみ、く・むassemble; cooperate; unite; braid組合 (くみあい) association; union
組織 (そしき) organization; structure
番組 (ばんぐみ) program (e.g. TV)
組 (くみ) group; class (of students)
組む (くむ) to cross (legs or arms); to put together; to assemble
エ、カイdrawing; painting; picture絵画 (かいが) painting
絵 (え) picture; drawing; painting
ゾクつづ・く、つづ・けるcontinue; sequel; series相続 (そうぞく) succession; inheritance
続き (つづき) continuation; succession
連続 (れんぞく) occurring in succession; continuing
続く (つづく) to continue
続ける (つづける) to continue
うつく・しいbeautiful; beauty美人 (びじん) beautiful woman
美容院 (びよういん) beauty salon
美しい (うつくしい) beautiful; lovely
美術館 (びじゅつかん) art museum
美味しい (おいしい) delicious; tasty
イクそだ・つ、そだ・てる、はぐく・むraise; rear; grow up体育 (たいいく) physical education
子育て (こそだて) raising a child
育つ (そだつ) to be raised; to be brought up
教育 (きょういく) education; schooling; training
育てる (そだてる) to raise; to rear
センふねboat; ship船 (ふね) ship; boat
くる・しい、くる・しむ、くる・しめる、にが・い、にが・るhardship; suffering; bitterness苦しい (くるしい) difficult; agonizing; painful
苦しむ (くるしむ) to suffer
苦労 (くろう) hardship; labour; toil
苦手 (にがて) poor (at); weak (in); dislike (of)
苦痛 (くつう) pain; agony
ヨウleaf; plant; paper; time; period葉書 (はがき) postcard
言葉 (ことば) word; phrase
葉 (は) leaf; blade (of grass)
ヒョウあらわ・す、あらわ・れる、おもてchart; diagram; surface代表 (だいひょう) representative
発表 (はっぴょう) announcement; publication; presenting
表れる (あらわれる) to appear; to become visible; to be expressed
表情 (ひょうじょう) facial expression
表面 (ひょうめん) surface; exterior
ヨウい・る、かなめessence; main point; need不要 (ふよう) unnecessary
主要 (しゅよう) main; principal
要求 (ようきゅう) demand; request; requirement
重要 (じゅうよう) important; essential
必要 (ひつよう) necessary
カンappearance; condition; view観光 (かんこう) sightseeing
観光地 (かんこうち) tourist attraction
観光客 (かんこうきゃく) tourist
観客 (かんきゃく) spectator
観察 (かんさつ) observation
しる・すmark; sign; to note; to scribe上記 (じょうき) the above (text)
記事 (きじ) article; news story
記入 (きにゅう) entry; filling in; filling out
記録 (きろく) record; document
日記 (にっき) diary; journal
調チョウしら・べる、ととの・う、ととの・えるprepare; arrange; investigate; move; transfer; tribute; tone; note体調 (たいちょう) physical condition; state of health
強調 (きょうちょう) emphasis; highlight
調子 (ちょうし) tone; pitch; mood; manner
調査 (ちょうさ) survey
調べる (しらべる) to investigate; to look up
ダンdiscuss; talk冗談 (じょうだん) joke
相談 (そうだん) consultation; discussion
consideration; debate; deliberation不思議 (ふしぎ) wonder; miracle; strange
議会 (ぎかい) congress; legislative assembly
議員 (ぎいん) member of the Diet
議論 (ぎろん) argument; discussion
会議室 (かいぎしつ) conference room
お・う、ま・かす、ま・けるminus; negative; bear; defeat負け (まけ) defeat; loss
負ける (まける) to lose; to be defeated
つい・える、つい・やすspend; waste; expense; cost学費 (がくひ) tuition; school expenses
消費 (しょうひ) consumption; expenditure
費用 (ひよう) cost; expense
road; path道路 (どうろ) road; highway
や・めるresign; word; phrase; blame辞める (やめる) to resign; to leave (one's job, etc.)
辞典 (じてん) dictionary
辞書 (じしょ) dictionary
ヘンかえ・す、かえ・るreturn; answer繰り返す (くりかえす) to repeat
返却 (へんきゃく) return; repayment
返事 (へんじ) reply; response
返す (かえす) to return (something)
ソクすみ・やか、はや・い、はや・めるfast; quick急速 (きゅうそく) rapid (e.g. progress)
速度 (そくど) speed; velocity
高速 (こうそく) high speed
速い (はやい) fast; quick
レンつら・なる、つら・ねる、つ・れるconnect; join; continue連想 (れんそう) association (of ideas)
連続 (れんぞく) occurring in succession; continuing
関連 (かんれん) relation; connection
連れる (つれる) to bring along; to go with; to accompany
連絡 (れんらく) to contact; to get in touch
ユ、ユウあそ・ぶplay遊び (あそび) playing
遊ぶ (あそぶ) to play; to have a good time
センえら・ぶchoose; selectスポーツ選手 (スポーツせんしゅ) athlete
選手 (せんしゅ) player; team member
選択 (せんたく) selection; choice
選ぶ (えらぶ) to choose
bureau; department; group; government office; bring together; govern営業部 (えいぎょうぶ) sales department
大部分 (だいぶぶん) greater part; majority
部分 (ぶぶん) portion; section
部長 (ぶちょう) head of a department, team, or section
全部 (ぜんぶ) all; entire; whole
部屋 (へや) room
ハイくば・るdistribute支配 (しはい) domination; control; direction; management
配送 (はいそう) delivery
配達 (はいたつ) delivery; distribution
心配 (しんぱい) worry; concern
シュさけalcohol; sake酒 (さけ) alcohol; sake
カンかか・わる、せきconnection; gateway人間関係 (にんげんかんけい) human relations
関心 (かんしん) interest; concern
関連 (かんれん) relation; connection
関係 (かんけい) relationship; connection
玄関 (げんかん) entranceway; front door
セツゆきsnow雪 (ゆき) snow
メンおも、おもて、つらface; mask; surface場面 (ばめん) scene; setting (e.g. of novel)
画面 (がめん) screen; picture
表面 (ひょうめん) surface; exterior
面倒 (めんどう) trouble; bother
面(おもて) (おもて) face; front side
面(めん) (めん) face; mask
真面目 (まじめ) diligent; serious; honest
面白い (おもしろい) interesting; fascinating
ガンねが・うhope; pray; wish願い (ねがい) request; desire
願う (ねがう) to desire; to request
ルイたぐ・いvariety; class; kind人類 (じんるい) mankind; humanity
書類 (しょるい) documents; official papers
種類 (しゅるい) type; kind; category
と・ばす、と・ぶfly; skip (pages)飛び出す (とびだす) to jump out; to rush out
飛行 (ひこう) aviation; flying
飛行場 (ひこうじょう) airfield
飛ぶ (とぶ) to fly | to jump
飛行機 (ひこうき) airplane
うま、まhorse馬 (うま) horse
メイな・く、な・らす、な・るbark; chirp; cry; honk; ring鳴き声 (なきごえ) animal cry; roar; chirp; tweet
鳴る (なる) to sound; to ring
鳴く (なく) to chirp; to bark
ボウ、モウな・いdeceased; dying; perish死亡 (しぼう) to die; to pass away
亡くなる (なくなる) to die; to pass away
ケンitem; matter事件 (じけん) event; incident; case (usually negative)
条件 (じょうけん) condition; requirement; prerequisite
レイたと・えるexample; precedent例 (れい) example
例年 (れいねん) ordinay year
例えば (たとえば) for example; for instance
バイdouble; times~倍 (~ばい) ~times; ~fold
あたい、ねcost; price; value価値 (かち) value; worth
値上がり (ねあがり) price increase
値上げ (ねあげ) price increase
値下げ (ねさげ) price decrease
値段 (ねだん) price; cost
そな・える、そな・わるpreparation備える (そなえる) to furnish with; to equip with
設備 (せつび) equipment; facilities
準備 (じゅんび) preparation; arrangements
ユウすぐ・れる、やさ・しいactor; excel; surpass; gentleness俳優 (はいゆう) actor
優れる (すぐれる) to surpass; to excel
優勝 (ゆうしょう) overall victory; championship
優秀 (ゆうしゅう) superiority; excellence
女優 (じょゆう) actress
優しい (やさしい) kind; gentle; amiable
キョウともtogether; with; alike; both共に (ともに) jointly; at the same time
共同 (きょうどう) co-operation; collaboration
共通 (きょうつう) common; shared
container; utensil; detailed; preparation具体 (ぐたい) concrete; tangible
具体的 (ぐたいてき) concrete
家具 (かぐ) furniture
具合 (ぐあい) condition; state; health
道具 (どうぐ) tool; apparatus; device
レツcolumn; row; rank列 (れつ) row; line; column
列車 (れっしゃ) train
コクきざ・むchop; mince; carve; engrave時刻 (じこく) time (shown on a clock)
深刻 (しんこく) serious; grave
遅刻 (ちこく) being late
カツさ・く、わり、わ・る、わ・れるproportion; split; divide割る (わる) to divide; to split; to break
役割 (やくわり) part; role
割れる (われる) to break; to split; to be smashed
割合 (わりあい) ratio; percentage
つと・めるdiligent; toil努力 (どりょく) effort; exertion; hard work
つと・めるduty; task事務 (じむ) office work
義務 (ぎむ) duty; obligation
事務所 (じむしょ) office
公務員 (こうむいん) government worker
キン、ゴンつと・まる、つと・めるbe employed; serve勤め (つとめ) service; business; responsibility
勤める (つとめる) to work (for); to be employed (at)
あぶ・ない、あや・うい、あや・ぶむdangerous; fear危険 (きけん) danger; peril
危ない (あぶない) dangerous; risky; hazardous
キュウす・うinhale; suck吸収 (きゅうしゅう) absorption
呼吸 (こきゅう) breathing; respiration
吸う (すう) to smoke; to breathe in | to suck
よ・ぶcall; invite呼吸 (こきゅう) breathing; respiration
呼ぶ (よぶ) to call out (to); to call
ミョウ、メイいのちlife; fate; command命 (いのち) life; lifetime
命じる (めいじる) to order; to command
命令 (めいれい) order; command
生命 (せいめい) life
一生懸命 (いっしょうけんめい) with all one's might; very hard
オ、ワなご・む、なご・やか、やわ・らぐ、やわ・らげるharmony; Japan; Japanese style; peace; soften和菓子 (わがし) Japanese sweets
平和 (へいわ) peace; harmony
よろこ・ぶrejoice; enjoy; congratulations喜び (よろこび) joy; delight
喜ぶ (よろこぶ) to be happy
インよ・るto depend on; follow; be connected with原因 (げんいん) cause
コンこま・るannoyed; distressed困難 (こんなん) difficulty; hardship
困る (こまる) to be troubled; to be bothered
ザイあ・るto exist; countryside存在 (そんざい) existence; being
滞在 (たいざい) stay; sojourn
現在 (げんざい) current; present time
ケイかたtype; model; shape典型 (てんけい) model; archetypal; representative
型 (かた) mould; template; type; pattern
髪型 (かみがた) hair style
ホウむく・いるnews; to report; retaliation予報 (よほう) forecast; prediction
報告 (ほうこく) report; information
報告書 (ほうこくしょ) (written) report
情報 (じょうほう) information; news; data
天気予報 (てんきよほう) weather forecast
エンしおsalt塩 (しお) salt
ゾウふ・える、ふ・やす、ま・すadd; augment; increase増す (ます) to increase; to grow
増加 (ぞうか) increase; growth
増える (ふえる) to increase; to multiply
サイつまwife妻 (つま) wife
bride; wife; woman主婦 (しゅふ) housewife
夫婦 (ふうふ) married couple; husband and wife
婦人 (ふじん) woman; lady
新婦 (しんぷ) bride
ソン、ゾンexist; to preserve; to know of保存 (ほぞん) saving; storage; maintenance
存在 (そんざい) existence; being
ご存じ (ごぞんじ) (hon) to know
タクhome; house; my husband住宅 (じゅうたく) residence; housing
帰宅 (きたく) returning home
お宅 (おたく) (hon) your house; your home
ヨウcontain; form; shape内容 (ないよう) contents; substance; details
容易 (ようい) easy; simple; plain
美容院 (びよういん) beauty salon
てらBuddhist temple寺 (てら) temple (Buddhist)
トウしまisland島 (しま) island
hope; request; sparse; rare希望 (きぼう) request; hope; aspiration
希望者 (きぼうしゃ) applicant
instructor; master; specialist; metropolis医師 (いし) doctor
技師 (ぎし) technician; engineer
教師 (きょうし) teacher (in school/classroom)
看護師 (かんごし) nurse
ジョウつねalways; continually; ordinary; normal常に (つねに) always; constantly
常識 (じょうしき) common sense
日常 (にちじょう) ordinary; usual; regular
異常 (いじょう) abnormality; strangeness
非常 (ひじょう) emergency | extraordinary; unusual
ビョウ、ヘイたい・ら、ひらflat; peace不平 (ふへい) discontent; dissatisfaction
公平 (こうへい) fairness; impartiality
平ら (たいら) flatness; level
平和 (へいわ) peace; harmony
平均 (へいきん) average; mean; balance; equilibrium
コウさいわ・い、さち、しあわ・せfortune; happiness不幸 (ふこう) misfortune
幸い (さいわい) happiness; fortune
幸せ (しあわせ) happiness; good fortune
幸福 (こうふく) happiness; well-being
幸運 (こううん) good luck
すわ・るsit; seat; cushion座席 (ざせき) seat
座る (すわる) to sit; to squat
ク、コwarehouse冷凍庫 (れいとうこ) freezer
金庫 (きんこ) safe; strongbox
冷蔵庫 (れいぞうこ) refrigerator
テイにわcourtyard; garden家庭 (かてい) household; family
庭 (にわ) garden; yard
emptiness; futility; go on foot; pupil生徒 (せいと) student
トクう・る、え・るprofit; benefit; advantage; gain得る (える) to get; to obtain; to win
得意 (とくい) one's strong point; one's forte
納得 (なっとく) consent; agreement
ボウわす・れるforget忘れ物 (わすれもの) lost article; something forgotten
忘れる (わすれる) to forget
ショウ、セイgender; nature性格 (せいかく) character; personality
女性 (じょせい) woman; female
男性 (だんせい) man; male
かな・しい、かな・しむsad; regret悲しむ (かなしむ) to be sad
悲劇 (ひげき) tragedy; disaster
悲しい (かなしい) sad
ジョウ、セイなさ・けcircumstances; emotion; feelings; passion事情 (じじょう) circumstances
友情 (ゆうじょう) friendship; camaraderie
情報 (じょうほう) information; news; data
愛情 (あいじょう) love; affection
感情 (かんじょう) emotion; feelings
表情 (ひょうじょう) facial expression
アイlove愛 (あい) love
愛する (あいする) to love
愛情 (あいじょう) love; affection
可愛い (かわいい) cute; adorable; charming
サイgenius; years old才能 (さいのう) talent; ability
う・つhit; strike打つ (うつ) to hit; to strike
ささ・えるbranch; support支出 (ししゅつ) expenditure; disbursement
支店 (してん) branch office; branch store
支払う (しはらう) to pay
支給 (しきゅう) payment; allowance
支度 (したく) preparation; arrangements
ホウはな・す、はな・つ、はな・れる、ほう・るrelease; liberate; broadcast; emit放す (はなす) to release; to let go
放送 (ほうそう) broadcast
サンち・らかす、ち・らかる、ち・らす、ち・るspend; scatter; disperse散歩 (さんぽ) walk; stroll
セイととの・う、ととの・えるarrange; put in order整理 (せいり) putting in order; organization; adjustment; regulation
ダンことわ・る、た・つdecline; refuse; decide; absolutely判断 (はんだん) judgement; decision
断る (ことわる) to decline; to refuse
横断 (おうだん) crossing; traversing
イ、エキやさ・しいsimple; easy; smooth; modify; fortune-telling容易 (ようい) easy; simple; plain
貿易 (ぼうえき) trade (economics)
易しい (やさしい) easy; plain; simple
バンnight一晩 (ひとばん) one night; | all night
昨晩 (さくばん) last night
今晩 (こんばん) tonight
晩 (ばん) evening
晩御飯 (ばんごはん) dinner
毎晩 (まいばん) every night
ケイscenery; view光景 (こうけい) scene; view
景気 (けいき) business conditions; economic climate
風景 (ふうけい) scenery
景色 (けしき) scenery; scene; landscape
サツふだcounter for bonds; paper money札 (さつ) paper money
ザイingredients; materials; talent; timber; wood材料 (ざいりょう) ingredients; materials
食材 (しょくざい) food stuffs; ingredients
カク、コウcase (law, grammar); character; rank; status価格 (かかく) price; value
合格 (ごうかく) success; passing (e.g. exam)
合格者 (合格者) person who passed
性格 (せいかく) character; personality
格好 (かっこう) shape; form; posture
アンtable; investigate; document; proposition提案 (ていあん) proposal
案 (あん) idea; thought
答案 (とうあん) answer sheet
案内 (あんない) guidance; showing around
コウかま・う、かま・えるbuild; posture; pretend構成 (こうせい) organization; configuration
構う (かまう) to mind; to care about
結構 (けっこう) no thank you | quite; fairly
ヨクほっ・する、ほ・しいdesire; greed; longing; passion食欲 (しょくよく) appetite (for food)
欲しい (ほしい) wanted; desired
ダンstairs手段 (しゅだん) means; way
普段 (ふだん) usual; everyday
段 (だん) step; stair; rank; level
値段 (ねだん) price; cost
階段 (かいだん) stairs; staircase
サイ、サツ、セツころ・すkill; slice off; split殺す (ころす) to kill
自殺 (じさつ) suicide
ヒョウこおり、ひice; freeze氷 (こおり) ice
あぶらfat; oil油 (あぶら) oil
石油 (せきゆ) oil; petroleum
醤油 (しょうゆ) soy sauce; shoyu
なみwaves波 (なみ) wave
津波 (つなみ) tidal wave
キュウな・くcry; weep泣く (なく) to cry; to weep
エイおよ・ぐswim泳ぎ (およぎ) swimming
水泳 (すいえい) swimming
泳ぐ (およぐ) to swim
シンふか・い、ふか・まる、ふか・めるintensify深刻 (しんこく) serious; grave
深い (ふかい) deep | profound
サイす・ます、す・むcome to an end; finish; settle済ませる (すませる) to finish
経済学 (けいざいがく) (study of) economics
済む (すむ) to finish; to end
経済 (けいざい) economics
オンあたた・か、あたた・かい、あたた・まる、あたた・めるwarm体温 (たいおん) body temperature
気温 (きおん) temperature (weather)
温度 (おんど) temperature
温暖 (おんだん) warm; mild; temperate
温かい (あたたかい) warm
温い (ぬるい) lukewarm; tepid
ブ、ムな・いnone; not; nothing無事 (ぶじ) safety; peace
無料 (むりょう) free; no charge
無視 (むし) disregarding; ignoring
無駄 (むだ) uselessness; pointlessness
無くなる (なくなる) to be lost (e.g. luggage); to be missing
無理 (むり) impossible
無くす (なくす) to lose something
ゼン、ネンhowever; in that case; burn偶然 (ぐうぜん) coincidence
天然 (てんねん) nature
当然 (とうぜん) natural; of course
突然 (とつぜん) abrupt; sudden; unexpected
自然 (しぜん) natural; nature
全然 (ぜんぜん) not at all (with neg. verb) | entirely; completely
ショウや・く、や・けるbake; burn焼く (やく) to burn | to roast; to grill
焼ける (やける) to burn; to be roasted
ゲンあらわ・す、あらわ・れるactual; existing; present実現 (じつげん) implementation (e.g. of a system)
現す (あらわす) to represent; to stand for; to show; to display
現れ (あらわれ) manifestation; materialization; expression
現れる (あらわれる) to appear; to become visible
現代 (げんだい) nowadays; modern times
現在 (げんざい) current; present time
現場 (げんば) actual spot; actual site; shop/factory floor
現実 (げんじつ) reality; actuality
現状 (げんじょう) present condition
現象 (げんしょう) phenomenon
現金 (げんきん) cash
表現 (ひょうげん) expression; notation
リュウ、ルと・まる、と・めるfasten; detain; halt留める (とどめる) to stop; to keep (in position, in place); to limit
留学 (りゅうがく) studying abroad
留守 (るす) absence; being away from home
留学生 (りゅうがくせい) exchange student
ツウいた・い、いた・む、いた・めるdamage; hurt; pain痛み (いたみ) pain; soreness
苦痛 (くつう) pain; agony
頭痛 (ずつう) headache
痛い (いたい) painful; sore
テキまとtarget; mark; obvious; adj ending一時的 (いちじてき) temporary
一般的 (いっぱんてき) common; general; for the masses
具体的 (ぐたいてき) concrete
効果的 (こうかてき) effective; successful
目的 (もくてき) goal; objective
カクたし・か、たし・かめるclear; evident; firm; solid明確 (めいかく) precise; definite
正確 (せいかく) accurate; correct; exact
確かめる (たしかめる) to check; to confirm
確実 (かくじつ) certainty; reliability
確認 (かくにん) confirmation; verification
シ、ジしめ・すshow; display; express掲示 (けいじ) notice; bulletin
掲示板 (けいじばん) bulletin board
示す (しめす) toshow; to demonstrate
サイまつ・り、まつ・るritual; pray; celebrateお祭 (おまつり) festival
祭り (まつり) festival
セキつ・む、つ・もるstack; pile; amass; product of multiplication積もる (つもる) to pile up; to accumulate
積極的 (せっきょくてき) active; proactive; assertive
ソウまどpane; window窓 (まど) window
トウひと・しいetc.; similar; equal上等 (じょうとう) superior; first-class
平等 (びょうどう) impartiality; evenness
等しい (ひとしい) equal; similar
高等学校 (こうとうがっこう) high school
サイこま・か、こま・かい、ほそ・い、ほそ・るthin; narrow; detailed; precise細かい (こまかい) small; minor
細い (ほそい) thin; slender
キョウ、ケイへ・るlongitude; boundary; elapse; measure; warp神経 (しんけい) nerve (medical)
経営 (けいえい) management; administration
経由 (けいゆ) through; by way of; via
経済 (けいざい) economics
経験 (けいけん) experience
ケツむす・ぶ、ゆ・う、ゆ・わえるbind; join; fasten; contract結局 (けっきょく) after all; ultimately
結果 (けっか) result; consequence; outcome
結論 (けつろん) conclusion
結婚 (けっこん) marriage
結構 (けっこう) no thank you | quite; fairly
キュウbestow on; grant; salary; wage供給 (きょうきゅう) supply; provision
支給 (しきゅう) payment; allowance
時給 (じきゅう) hourly wage
給料 (きゅうりょう) salary; wages
リョク、ロクみどりgreen緑 (みどり) green
センline; track線 (せん) line
レンね・るpractice; polish; refine訓練 (くんれん) training; drill
練習 (れんしゅう) practice
お・くplace; put; keep; leave位置 (いち) place; position
装置 (そうち) equipment; device
置く (おく) to put; to place
ロウお・いる、ふ・けるgrow old; old man老い (おい) old age; old person
老人 (ろうじん) old person
ショクemployment; work就職 (しゅうしょく) finding employment
職 (しょく) job; work; occupation
職場 (しょくば) place of work
職業 (しょくぎょう) occupation
フクはらabdomen; stomach腹 (はら) stomach
腹が立つ (はらがたつ) to be angry
お腹 (おなか) abdomen; stomach
リョウよ・いgood; skilled仲が良い (なかがいい) be friendly with
仲良い (なかいい) be friendly with
良い (いい、よい) good
ジャク、ニャクも・しくは、わか・いyoung; immature; perhaps; few in number若者 (わかもの) young person
若い (わかい) young; youthful
ソウくさgrass; weeds; herbs; draft; beginning草 (くさ) grass; weed
baggage; to bear; to shoulder手荷物 (てにもつ) hand luggage
荷物 (にもつ) luggage; package
ラクお・ちる、お・とすfall; drop落す (おとす) to drop
落ちる (おちる) to fall; to drop | to fail
ジュツskill ;etchnique; art; magic手術 (しゅじゅつ) surgery
芸術 (げいじゅつ) fine arts
技術 (ぎじゅつ) technology; engineering | technique; skill
美術館 (びじゅつかん) art museum
ころもclothes; garment浴衣 (ゆかた) yukata (Japanese bathrobe)
衣服 (いふく) clothes
カクおぼ・える、さ・ます、さ・めるwake up; memorize; remember感覚 (かんかく) sensation; feeling
目が覚める (めがさめる) to awaken
目覚まし時計 (めざましどけい) alarm clock
覚悟 (かくご) readiness; preparedness
覚える (おぼえる) to memorize; to remember
カイ、ゲと・かす、と・く、と・けるanswer; explanation; undo; unravel; cancel; key理解 (りかい) understanding; comprehension
見解 (けんかい) opinion; point of view
解決 (かいけつ) solution; resolution
解釈 (かいしゃく) explanation; interpretation
誤解 (ごかい) misunderstanding
ニンみと・めるacknowledge;recognize承認 (しょうにん) approval; consent
確認 (かくにん) confirmation; verification
認める (みとめる) to recognize; to approve; to allow
ケイcaution; warn against; surprise警告 (けいこく) warning; disclaimer
警察 (けいさつ) police; ploliceman
警官 (けいかん) police officer
シンself; body中身 (なかみ) contents; interior
出身 (しゅっしん) person's origin (e.g. city, country, parentage, school)
独身 (どくしん) single; unmarried
自身 (じしん) (by) oneself
身長 (しんちょう) height (of body)
ツイお・うchase; follow ;pursue追い付く (おいつく) to catch up (with); to draw level; to get to even
追う (おう) to chase; to pursue; to follow
あやま・ち、あやま・つ、す・ぎる、す・ごすexceed; overdo; error; mistake昼過ぎ (ひるすぎ) a little past noon
通り過ぎる (とおりすぎる) to go past; to pass by
通過 (つうか) passing through (e.g. train skipping a station); passing by
過去 (かこ) the past
過ぎる (すぎる) to pass by | to be too ~
タツattain; reach上達 (じょうたつ) improvement (e.g. in skill, ability); advance
発達 (はったつ) development; growth
達する (たっする) to reach; to arrive at
配達 (はいたつ) delivery; distribution
友達 (ともだち) friend; companion
テキcapable; qualified; suitable快適 (かいてき) pleasant; comfortable
適切 (てきせつ) pertinent; appropriate
適度 (てきど) proper amount; suitable
適用 (てきよう) application (e.g. a technology); adoption
適当 (てきとう) suitable; appropriate
リョウはか・るamount; quantity; weight; estimate; measure大量 (たいりょう) large quantity
量 (りょう) quantity; volume
テツiron鉄 (てつ) iron (Fe)
鉄道 (てつどう) railroad; railway
地下鉄 (ちかてつ) subway
ヘイし・まる、し・める、と・ざす、と・じるclosed; shut閉じる (とじる) to close; to shut
閉まる (しまる) to be shut; to close
閉める (しめる) to close; to shut
コウお・りる、お・ろす、ふ・るdescend; fall; precipitate; surrender降ろす (おろす) to take down; to lower; to unload
降り出す (ふりだす) to start to rain (snow, etc.)
降りる (おりる) to descend (e.g. a mountain) | to get off; to dismount
降る (ふる) to precipitate; to fall (e.g. rain)
ゲンかぎ・るlimit; restrict制限 (せいげん) restriction; limit
限る (かぎる) to restrict; to limit
限界 (げんかい) limit
ヨウin the sun; bright太陽 (たいよう) sun
陽気 (ようき) cheerful; lively
カイstairs; up and down~階建て (~かいだて) ~-storied building
階段 (かいだん) stairs; staircase
~階 (~かい) counter for floors in a building
サイきわedge; verge; relationship; interval; fate交際 (こうさい) company; friendship
実際 (じっさい) practicality; reality; actual
~際(さい) (~さい) on the occasion of ~
国際 (こくさい) international
ザツ、ゾウmixed; disordered混雑 (こんざつ) crowding; confusion; disorder
複雑 (ふくざつ) complex; complicated
雑誌 (ざっし) journal; magazine; periodical
ナンかた・い、むずか・しいdifficult; tough; misfortune; sorrow; fight; rebuke困難 (こんなん) difficulty; hardship
難しい (むずかしい) difficult; hard; troublesome
ウンくもcloud雲 (くも) cloud
ジョウ、セイしず・か、しず・まる、しず・めるquiet冷静 (れいせい) calmness; composure
静か (しずか) quiet; silent
poor; error; blame; non-非常 (ひじょう) emergency | extraordinary; unusual
是非 (ぜひ) certainly; definitely; without fail
非常に (ひじょうに) very; extremely
ヘイなみ、なら・びに、なら・ぶ、なら・べるline up; line; both; identical; ordinary並ぶ (ならぶ) to line up; to stand in a line
並べる (ならべる) to line up; to arrange in a line
ガンまる、まる・い、まる・めるcircle; make circular; entirely; perfectly丸 (まる) circle
丸い (まるい) round
ニンまか・す、まか・せるentrust; shoulder; endure; work; duty任せる (まかせる) to entrust (e.g. a task) to another; to leave to
責任 (せきにん) responsibility
に・るimitate; resemble似合う (にあう) to suit; to match
真似 (まね) imitating; copying
似る (にる) to resemble; to look like; to be similar
あま・す、あま・るremainder; surplus余り (あまり、あんまり) remainder; balance; left over
余分 (よぶん) extra; excess
余裕 (よゆう) surplus; leeway; flexibility
キョウ、クそな・える、ともoffer; sacrifice; supply供給 (きょうきゅう) supply; provision
子供 (こども) child; children
あたいprice; value価値 (かち) value; worth
価格 (かかく) price; value
物価 (ぶっか) prices (in general, of commodities)
評価 (ひょうか) assessment; evaluation
高価 (こうか) high price
individual個人 (こじん) individual; personal
~個 (~こ) counter for small objects
サク、サツtome; volume; counter for books~冊 (~さつ) counter for bound objects (ex. Books)
サ、サイふたた・びagain; twice再び (ふたたび) again; a second time
再度 (さいど) twice; again; second time
再来月 (さらいげつ) month after next
再来週 (さらいしゅう) week after next
再来年 (さらいねん) year after next
ショput; fix; place処理 (しょり) processing; disposal
ハン、バンjudgement; seal; signature判断 (はんだん) judgement; decision
審判 (しんぱん) referee; judgement; umpire
批判 (ひはん) criticism; judgement
裁判 (さいばん) trial; judgement
評判 (ひょうばん) reputation; popularity
セイlaw; rule; system予約制 (よやくせい) by reservation
制度 (せいど) system; institution
制限 (せいげん) restriction; limit
ホウつつ・むconceal; pack up; wrap包み (つつみ) bundle; package
小包 (こづつみ) (small) parcel; package
包む (つつむ) to wrap up; to pack
ソツgraduate; sudden; private; soldier卒業論文 (そつぎょうろんぶん) graduation thesis
卒業 (そつぎょう) graduation
インしるしsumbol; seal; stamp印 (しるし) mark; sign
印刷 (いんさつ) printing
印象 (いんしょう) impression
ランたまごegg; ovum卵 (たまご) eggs; egg
コウあつ・いthick; heavy; kind厚い (あつい) thick; deep
シュウおさ・まる、おさ・めるincome; obtain; supply; store収める (おさめる) to make an offering; to finish; to achieve (e.g. a result)
収入 (しゅうにゅう) income; revenue
収穫 (しゅうかく) harvest; crop
吸収 (きゅうしゅう) absorption
スイふ・くblow; breathe; smoke吹く (ふく) to blow (e.g. wind) | to play a wind instrument
シュウまわ・りcircumference周囲 (しゅうい) surroundings
周り (まわり) surroundings; vicinity
うつわcontainer; vessel; talent; ability; tool器用 (きよう) skilful; adroit
武器 (ぶき) weapon; arms
ハンさかhill; incline; slope坂 (さか) slope; hill
ゆめdream; vision夢中 (むちゅう) daze; engrossment; obsessed with; hooked on
夢 (ゆめ) dream
コンmarriage婚約 (こんやく) engagement; betrothal
離婚 (りこん) divorce
結婚 (けっこん) marriage
seasons季節 (きせつ) season
よ・せる、よ・るrely on; entrust to; approach寄付 (きふ) donation
寄る (よる) to drop by; to make a short visit
シンね・かす、ね・るlie down; sleep寝不足 (ねぶそく) lack of sleep
朝寝坊 (あさねぼう) oversleeping
寝坊 (ねぼう) oversleeping
寝る (ねる) to lie down | to go to bed; to sleep
センもっぱ・らexclusive; solely; devote oneself to専攻 (せんこう) major (in school or study); specialty
専門分野 (せんもんぶんや) area of expertise; specialization
専門家 (せんもんか) specialist; professional; authority
専門 (せんもん) speciality; area of expertise
キョい・るexist; reside居眠り (いねむり) nodding off (when sitting); dozing
芝居 (しばい) play; drama
とど・く、とど・けるarrive; deliver; forward; notify届く (とどく) to be delivered
届ける (とどける) to deliver
ボウいそが・しいbusy; occupied忙しい (いそがしい) busy; occupied
カンな・らす、な・れるaccustomed to; get used to慣れる (なれる) to get used to
習慣 (しゅうかん) habit; custom
レイもど・す、もど・るreturn; arrive戻す (もどす) to return; to restore
戻る (もどる) to return; to go back
フツはら・うpay; oppose支払い (しはらい) payment
支払う (しはらう) to pay
払う (はらう) to pay (e.g. money, bill)
わざskill; craft技師 (ぎし) technician; engineer
演技 (えんぎ) acting; performance
競技 (きょうぎ) game; match
技術 (ぎじゅつ) technology; engineering | technique; skill
オウお・さえる、お・すpush; press; hold down; sign押し入れ (おしいれ) closet
押す (おす) to push; to press
ショウまね・くinvite; summon招く (まねく) to invite
招待 (しょうたい) invitation
シャす・てるdiscard; throw away捨てる (すてる) to throw away
ジュさず・かる、さず・けるimpart; instruct教授 (きょうじゅ) professor
授業 (じゅぎょう) lesson; class work
タンさが・す、さぐ・るsearch探す (さがす) to search for
セツつ・ぐconnect; join; meet直接 (ちょくせつ) direct
カンか・える、か・わるchange; interchange交換 (こうかん) exchange; substitution
乗り換える (のりかえる) to transfer/change (bus, train)
ショウ、セイほしstar星占い (ほしうらない) astrology; horoscope
衛星 (えいせい) satellite
星 (ほし) star
ダンあたた・か、あたた・かい、あたた・まる、あたた・めるwarmth温暖 (おんだん) warm; mild; temperate
暖房 (だんぼう) heating; heater
暖かい (あたたかい) warm; mild; genial
く・らす、く・れるlivelihood; make a living; to set (ex. sunset); close暮らし (くらし) living; life circumstances
暮らす (くらす) to live; to get along
暮れ (くれ) sunset; end; close
暮れる (くれる) to get dark; to come to an end
investigate検査 (けんさ) inspection; examination
調査 (ちょうさ) survey
コンroot屋根 (やね) roof
根 (ね) root (of a plant, tooth, hair, etc.)
ショクう・える、う・わるplant植物 (しょくぶつ) plant; vegetation
植える (うえる) to plant; to grow
キョク、ゴクきわ・まる、きわ・み、きわ・めるexterme; pole; very; to decide; to enter into極 (きょく) extreme; zenith; pole
積極的 (せっきょくてき) active; proactive; assertive
サイ、セイage; year; ripen二十歳 (はたち) 20 years old
~歳 (~さい) ~ years old
くら・べるcompare; ratio比較 (ひかく) comparison
比べる (くらべる) to compare
モウhair; fur毛布 (もうふ) blanket
毛虫 (けむし) hairy caterpillar
髪の毛 (かみのけ) hair (head)
毛 (け) hair; fur; feathers
センあさ・いshallow; superficial浅い (あさい) shallow; superficial
ヨクあ・びせる、あ・びるbathe; take a shower浴衣 (ゆかた) yukata (Japanese bathrobe)
浴びる (あびる) to take a shower
コンこ・む、ま・ざる、ま・じる、ま・ぜるmix; cloud; confuse人混み (ひとごみ) a crowd of people
混乱 (こんらん) disorder; confusion
混雑 (こんざつ) crowding; confusion; disorder
混む (こむ) to be crowded; to get packed
ゲンへ・らす、へ・るdecline; decrease; reduce加減 (かげん) adjustment; add and subtract
減らす (へらす) to decrease; to diminish
減る (へる) to decrease (in size or number); to diminish
わた・す、わた・るdeliver; hand over; pass渡す (わたす) to hand over; to transfer
渡る (わたる) to cross over
ジュンlevel; make even; conform; guage; standard水準 (すいじゅん) level; standard
準備 (じゅんび) preparation; arrangements
エンact; performance; play演奏 (えんそう) (musical) performance
演技 (えんぎ) acting; performance
演説 (えんぜつ) speech; address
講演 (こうえん) lecture; speech
エンけむり、けむ・い、けむ・るsmoke煙 (けむり) smoke
禁煙 (きんえん) "No Smoking"; quitting smoking
ヘンかたfragment; piece; right half片手 (かたて) one hand
片付ける (かたづける) to tidy up; to put away
片仮名 (かたかな) katakana
ハンおか・すcrime; offense犯人 (はんにん) criminal
犯罪 (はんざい) crime; offence
ジョウcircumstances; conditions; form状態 (じょうたい) current status; condition
状況 (じょうきょう) situation; circumstances
現状 (げんじょう) present condition
症状 (しょうじょう) symptom
ドクひと・りalone; single独り (ひとり) one person; alone; solitary
独特 (どくとく) peculiarity; uniqueness
独立 (どくりつ) independence; self-support
独身 (どくしん) single; unmarried
ギョクたまjewel; sphere玉 (たま) sphere; globe; egg
うたが・うdistrust; doubt; question疑う (うたがう) to doubt; to suspect
疑問 (ぎもん) question; doubt; problem
つか・れるexhausted; tired疲れ (つかれ) tiredness; fatigue
疲れる (つかれる) to get tired; to tire | to be worn out
ミンねむ・い、ねむ・るdie; sleep居眠り (いねむり) nodding off (when sitting); dozing
睡眠 (すいみん) sleep
眠い (ねむい) sleepy
眠る (ねむる) to sleep
やぶ・る、やぶ・れるbreak; destroy; rip; defeat破る (やぶる) to tear; to break; to destroy
破産 (はさん) bankruptcy
ancestor; founder祖母 (そぼ) (my) grandmother
祖父 (そふ) (my) grandfather
キンban; prohibit; endure禁止 (きんし) prohibition; ban
禁煙 (きんえん) "No Smoking"; quitting smoking
ビョウsecond秒 (びょう) second (unit of time)
うつ・す、うつ・るmove; change; transcribe移す (うつす) to change; to substitute; to transfer
移動 (いどう) moving; transfer; migration
移る (うつる) to move; to transfer
テイほどrule; law; extent; degree程度 (ていど) degree; amount; grade
程(ほど) (ほど) degree; extent
サンabacus; count; calculate予算 (よさん) estimate; budget
計算 (けいさん) calculation
セチ、セツふしknot; joint; knuckle; occasion; chance; punctuation節 (ふし) joint
節約 (せつやく) economising; saving
季節 (きせつ) season
カンsimple; brevity簡単 (かんたん) simple
ショウ、セイpurify; refine; spirit; heart; ghost精神 (せいしん) mind; soul; heart; spirit
いとstring糸 (いと) thread; string
ク、コウくれない、べにcrimson紅茶 (こうちゃ) black tea
ゼツた・える、た・つ、た・やすstand; bear; stop; eradicate; extremely; very絶対 (ぜったい) absolutely; unconditionally
絶滅 (ぜつめつ) extinction; extermination
ショ、チョthread; string; connection; beginning一緒 (いっしょ) together | at the same time
ザイつみcrime; sin犯罪 (はんざい) crime; offence
罪 (つみ) crime; sin
ショsignature; government office; role; duty署名 (しょめい) signature
ハイせ、せい、そむ・く、そむ・けるback; behind; abandon; turn one's back on背が伸びる (せがのびる) to grow (height)
背中 (せなか) back (of body)
背 (せい) height
ノウability; skill可能 (かのう) possible; feasible
才能 (さいのう) talent; ability
有能 (ゆうのう) able; capable
機能 (きのう) function; feature
能力 (のうりょく) ability; faculty
うらreverse; backside; internal裏切る (うらぎる) to betray
裏 (うら) bottom; back
compass; standard; to correct; measure規則 (きそく) rule; regulation
ホウおとず・れる、たず・ねるvisit; call on訪問 (ほうもん) call; visit
訪ねる (たずねる) to visit; to call on
キョゆる・すapprove; permit免許 (めんきょ) license
許す (ゆるす) to permit; to allow; to forgive
許可 (きょか) permission; approval
あやま・るerror; mistake; wrong誤り (あやまり) error; mistake
誤解 (ごかい) misunderstanding
ロンargue; discuss; point of view卒業論文 (そつぎょうろんぶん) graduation thesis
理論 (りろん) theory
結論 (けつろん) conclusion
論文 (ろんぶん) thesis; essay
議論 (ぎろん) argument; discussion
シキto know; record; write down常識 (じょうしき) common sense
意識 (いしき) consciousness; awareness
知識 (ちしき) knowledge
サイ、ザイassets; wealth財産 (ざいさん) property; assets
財布 (さいふ) purse; wallet
ヒン、ビンまず・しいpoverty貧しい (まずしい) poor; scanty; inadequate
セキせ・めるblame; condemn責める (せめる) to blame; to criticize; to press; to persecute
責任 (せきにん) responsibility
ノウagriculture農家 (のうか) farmer
農業 (のうぎょう) agriculture
農民 (のうみん) farmer
ヘンあた・りboundary; border; vicinityこの辺り (このあたり) this area; around here
辺り (あたり) neighborhood; vicinity; nearby
辺 (へん) area; vicinity
こ・む、こ・めるcrowded; included; packed申し込む (もうしこむ) to apply for
込む (こむ) to be crowded; to be packed
メイまよ・うbe lost; confused; unclear; hesitate迷う (まよう) to be lose one's way; to be puzzled
迷子 (まいご) lost child
迷惑 (めいわく) trouble; annoyance
迷惑メール (めいわくメール) spam (email)
退タイしりぞ・く、しりぞ・けるwithdraw; retreat; retire; repel引退 (いんたい) retirement
退屈 (たいくつ) tedium; boredom; dullness
退院 (たいいん) discharge from hospital
おく・らす、おく・れる、おそ・いlate; slow遅刻 (ちこく) being late
遅れる (おくれる) to be late
遅い (おそい) slow | late (e.g. "late at night")
ちが・う、ちが・えるdiffer違い (ちがい) difference
違いない (ちがいない) sure; for certain; no mistaking it
違反 (いはん) violation; offense
間違い (まちがい) mistake; error
間違いない (まちがいない) sure; for certain; no mistaking it
間違う (まちがう) to make a mistake; to be mistaken
間違える (まちがえる) to make a mistake
違う (ちがう) to differ (from)
ユウ(postal) mail郵便 (ゆうびん) postal service; mail
郵便局 (ゆうびんきょく) post office
ボウふせ・ぐdefend; resist; surround; rival; equal予防 (よぼう) prevention
消防 (しょうぼう) fire fighting
防ぐ (ふせぐ) to defend against; to prevent; to avoid
ジ、ジョのぞ・くexclude; remove; division (math)除く (のぞく) to remove; to eliminate; to exclude
掃除 (そうじ) cleaning
チョウいただき、いただ・くpeak; summit頂きます (いただきます) expression of gratitude before meals
頂上 (ちょうじょう) top; summit; peak
頂く (いただく) (hum) to receive
ジュンobey; follow; well behaved; order; sequence順 (じゅん) order; ranking
順番 (じゅんばん) order; sequential order
順調 (じゅんちょう) favourable; OK; all right
あず・かる、あず・けるentrust to; deposit預ける (あずける) to entrust; to deposit; to leave in one's care
ガクひたいforehead; fixed amount; plaque; sign金額 (きんがく) amount of money
額 (ひたい) forehead; brow
コツほねbone骨 (ほね) bone
骨折 (こっせつ) broken bone
あた・えるaward; bestow; take part in; cooperate与える (あたえる) to give; to bestow
キュウ、クひさ・しいlong time永久 (えいきゅう) eternity; perpetuity
久しぶり (ひさしぶり) a long time; it's been a while
たが・いmutually; reciprocallyお互い (おたがい) mutual; reciprocal
トウたお・す、たお・れるknock down; fall; collapse倒す (たおす) to knock down; to ruin
面倒 (めんどう) trouble; bother
倒れる (たおれる) to fall; to collapse | to be ruined | to be defeated (in a game)
グウunexpected; accidentally; even number; same kind偶然 (ぐうぜん) coincidence
トウarrive; attain; invert到着 (とうちゃく) arrival
さ・さる、さ・すstab; pierce; calling card刺激 (しげき) stimulus
コウき・くbenefit; efficacy効く (きく) to be effective
効果 (こうか) effect; efficacy
効果的 (こうかてき) effective; successful
有効 (ゆうこう) effective
can; passable不可 (ふか) not possible
不可能 (ふかのう) impossible
可能 (かのう) possible; feasible
許可 (きょか) permission; approval
可愛い (かわいい) cute; adorable; charming
ゼンよ・いgood; virtuous改善 (かいぜん) improvement
キンaverage; level平均 (へいきん) average; mean; balance; equilibrium
ジョウしろcastle城 (しろ) castle
イキlevel; limit; range地域 (ちいき) area; region
もと、もといfoundation; basis; be based on基づく (もとづく) to be based on; to originate from
基本 (きほん) foundation; basis
gentleman; samurai博士 (はかせ、はかし) doctorate; PhD
弁護士 (べんごし) lawyer; attorney
オウおくinterior; all the way inside奥 (おく) inside; interior; depths; back
奥さん (おくさん) (hon) wife; your wife
むすめdaughter娘 (むすめ) (my) daughter
ホウたからtreasure宝 (たから) treasure
宝くじ (たからくじ) lottery | lottery ticket
宝石 (ほうせき) gem; jewel
ドウみちび・くguide; lead指導 (しどう) guidance; instruction
指導員 (しどういん) instructor
ぬのcloth布 (ぬの) cloth
毛布 (もうふ) blanket
布団 (ふとん) futon
財布 (さいふ) purse; wallet
チョウは・るstretch; spread; play (string instrument)主張 (しゅちょう) claim; assertion
引っ張る (ひっぱる) to pull out; to draw out
緊張 (きんちょう) nervousness; stress
頑張る (がんばる) to persevere; to persist
かの、かれhe彼 (かれ) he; him
彼ら (かれら) they (usually male); them
彼女 (かのじょ) she; her | girlfriend
いか・る、おこ・るto become angry怒る (おこる) to get angry
こわ・いbe frightened; afraid恐怖 (きょうふ) fear; dread
怖い (こわい) scary; frightening
キョウおそ・れる、おそ・ろしいfear; awe恐れる (おそれる) to fear
恐ろしい (おそろしい) dreadful; terrifying; frightening
恐怖 (きょうふ) fear; dread
はじ、は・じらう、は・じる、は・ずかしいdishonor恥ずかしい (はずかしい) embarrassed; shameful; shy
ホウいだ・く、かか・える、だ・くembrace; hold抱える (かかえる) to hold or carry under or in the arms
抱く (いだく、だく) to embrace; to hug
widely; generally; universally普段 (ふだん) usual; everyday
普通 (ふつう) usual; ordinary
コウさら、ふ・かす、ふ・けるto change; alternately; by turns; to pass; futhermore変更 (へんこう) change; alteration
更に (さらに) furthermore; moreover
タイか・える、か・わるexchange; substitute両替 (りょうがえ) money exchange
替える (かえる) to replace; to exchange; to substitute
取り替える (とりかえる) to exchange; to replace
つくえdesk; table机 (つくえ) desk
ハイさかずきcounter for cups, glasses~杯 (~はい) counter for cups (of liquid)
ショウまつpine tree松 (まつ) pine tree
カンあせsweat汗 (あせ) sweat; perspiration; condensation
きたな・い、けが・す、けが・らわしい、けが・れる、よご・す、よご・れるdirty; pollute; disgrace汚染 (おせん) pollution; contamination
汚れる (よごれる) to become dirty
汚い (きたない) dirty; unclean | disordered; messy
ハクと・まる、と・めるovernight stay宿泊 (しゅくはく) lodging
泊まる (とまる) to stay at (e.g. hotel)
シンharbor; soak; spill; soup; bodily fluid津波 (つなみ) tidal wave
ルイなみだtears涙 (なみだ) tears
ネンも・える、も・す、も・やすblaze; burn; glow燃える (もえる) to burn
ビョウねこcat猫 (ねこ) cat
ことdifferent; uncommon異なる (ことなる) to differ
異常 (いじょう) abnormality; strangeness
カイみなall; everything; everyone皆 (みんな、みな) everyone; everybody
皆 (みんな、みな) all; everyone
皆さん (みなさん) all; everyone
トウぬす・むsteal強盗 (ごうとう) mugger; burgler
盗む (ぬすむ) to steal
トツつ・くcollide; sudden突然 (とつぜん) abrupt; sudden; unexpected
衝突 (しょうとつ) collision; crash | conflict
ラクから・まる、から・むentwine; coil around; connect; logical thread連絡 (れんらく) to contact; to get in touch
まい、ま・うdance; encourage舞台 (ぶたい) stage (theatre)
お見舞い (おみまい) visiting/seeing someone who is ill
ハクうす・い、うす・まる、うす・める、うす・らぐ、うす・れるthink; shallow; weak (taste, etc.)薄い (うすい) thin | weak (taste, etc.)
カイ、ガイまちstreet; town商店街 (しょうてんがい) shopping area; shopping arcade
街 (まち) city; town
コウreconcile; make peace with; learn; discuss講演 (こうえん) lecture; speech
講堂 (こうどう) auditorium; lecture hall
講義 (こうぎ) lecture
ズ、トウまめbean納豆 (なっとう) natto (fermented soybeans)
豆 (まめ) legume; bean
豆腐 (とうふ) tofu; bean curd; beancurd
エツこ・える、こ・すexceed; surpass引っ越し (ひっこし) moving; changing residence
越える (こえる) to exceed; to pass
越す (こす) to cross over (e.g. mountain); to surpass
引っ越す (ひっこす) to move; to change residence
ゲイむか・えるgreet; welcome歓迎 (かんげい) welcome; reception
迎え (むかえ) meeting; greeting
迎える (むかえる) to pickup; to greet; to receive
ジュツの・べるmention; relate; speak; state述べる (のべる) to state; to mention
トウに・がす、に・げる、のが・す、のが・れるescape; evade; set free逃げる (にげる) to escape; to run away
ギャクさか、さか・らうopposite; reversed逆 (ぎゃく) opposite
逆らう (さからう) to oppose; to defy
road; path~途端 (~とたん) just as; at the moment of
途中 (とちゅう) on the way to; in the middle of
シンふる・う、ふる・えるshake; tremble震える (ふるえる) to shiver; to shake
地震 (じしん) earthquake
くつshoes靴 (くつ) shoes; footwear
靴下 (くつした) socks
ライたの・む、たの・もしい、たよ・るrequest; rely on; trust依頼 (いらい) request; commission
信頼 (しんらい) reliance; confidence
信頼関係 (しんらいかんけい) trusting relationship
頼る (たよる) to rely on; to count on
頼む (たのむ) to request
ハツかみhair (on the head)髪の毛 (かみのけ) hair (head)
髪型 (かみがた) hair style
髪 (かみ) hair (on the head)
レイage年齢 (ねんれい) age; years