Here is my JLPT N3 Grammar List. I would be lying if I said I knew exactly what will appear on the N3. Unfortunately, JEES no longer releases this information (and I personally suspect that it changes slightly from year to year). That said, please do not give up and leave passing to chance. This list is my best guess for what you should study and I believe it reviews most (if not all) of the grammar you need for the N3.
Each entry comes with examples to help you better understand and prepare for the test. Also checkout our JLPT resource page to find other useful resources to help you study.
This list only includes new patterns for the N3. During the test you will also encounter grammar patterns from the N4 and N5, so be sure to refresh your grammar skills with my N4 Grammar List and N5 Grammar List!
- N3 Grammar anki: Access the anki deck from This is the recommended format with full examples and furigana.
- N3 Grammar pdf: Download the pdf version
- N3 Grammar csv: Download the csv version encoded in SJIS or UTF-8
JLPT N3 Grammar List
Grammar | Usage Notes | Meaning | Example1 | Example2 | Note |
V-Stem次第 | V-Stem次第 | As soon as ~ | 東京駅に着き次第、メールください。 Please email me as soon as you arrive at Tokyo Station. | 来週のスケジュールが決まり次第、電話します。 I will call you as soon as next week's schedule is decided. | |
~たとたん | V-たとたん(に) | Just as ~; when ~; as soon as ~ | 犯罪者が警察を見たとたん、逃げました。 As soon as the criminal saw the police, he ran. | 窓を開けたとたん、風が入ってしまった。 The wind came in just as I opened the window. | |
~ほど | V-るほど i-adj-いほど na-adjなほど Nほど | To the extent that ~ | びっくりするほど声が大きかった。 His voice was loud to the extent that I was surprised. | 宝石ほどではないんですけど、この絵の価値は高いです。 This painting has high value, but not to the extent of a jewel. | |
V-るな | Don't ~ | 危ないからこっちに来るな。 Don't come here because it is dangerous. | 食べるな。 Don't eat. | ||
V-ろ (Command) | Imperative form. Gives a command. | 野菜を全部食べろ。 Eat all the vegetables. | そっち行け! Go there! | Stronger than V-なさい | |
~ために | V-るために Nのために | For the purpose of ~; in order to ~. Gives the goal. | 日本語を習うために留学しに来ました。 I came to study abroad in order to learn Japanese. | 健康のために毎日1万歩歩いています。 For the purpose of my health, I am walking 10,000 steps everyday. | A similar grammar pattern, ~ため(に), is used to give a reason or cause. This is in the N2 grammar list. |
~て初めて | V-て初めて | Only after ~; it was not until ~ | 入院して初めて自分の健康が大切だと思っていました。 It was not until I was hospitalized that I thought my own health was important. | 漫画を読んで初めて日本語に興味を持った。 I had an interest in Japanese only after I read manga. | |
~によって | Nによって | Depending on ~ | 曜日によってランチメニューが違います。 Depending on the day of the week, the lunch menu is different. | 経験とスキルによって給料が高くなります。 Your salary will increase depending on your skills and experience. | |
~ば~ほど | V-ればV-るほど i-adj-stemければi-adj-いほど na-adjならna-adjほど | The more ~, the more ~ | 地震が強ければ強いほど、津波が起こる可能性が高くなります。 The stronger an earthquake, the higher the probability for a tsunami to occur. | カロリーを多く食べれば食べるほど早く太るよ。 The more calories you eat, the faster you will become fat. | |
~ばかり | Nばかり | Only ~ | お菓子ばかり食べないで。 Don't eat only sweets. | 人が多くいたのに、パーティでジョンさんばかり話していました。 Although there were many people at the party, I only talked with John. | |
~たばかり | V-たばかり | Just ~; recently ~ | 授業が終わったばかりだから、生徒がまだ部屋にいます。 Class just finished, so the students are still in the room. | 到着したばかりなので、もうちょっと待ってください。 They just arrived, so please wait a little while longer. | |
~を始め | Nを始め | Starting with ~. Used to give one possible example. | 東京を始め全国に店を展開したいです。 Starting with Tokyo, I want to open stores across the entire country. | 田中さんは英語を始め5か国語が話せるすごい人です。 Mrs. Tanaka is an amazing person who can speak 5 languages starting with English. | |
~的 | N的(な) | ~al; ~ic; ~ive. Turns a noun into a na-adjective. | 薬の効果 vs. 効果的な薬 Effect of a medicine vs. Effective medicine | 長期的に考えると今投資した方がいいと思います I think it is better to invest now if you think long-term. | Only applies to select nouns. |
~さえ~ば | NさえV-ば | If only | 時間さえあれば、もっと日本語を勉強できます。 If only I had more time, I could study more Japanese. | 漢字さえもっと分かれば、日本語の漫画が楽しく読めると思う。 If only I understood more kanji, I think I could read manga enjoyably. | |
~まま | V-た、V-ないまま i-adj-いまま na-adjなまま Nのまま | As it is. Expresses the state during which. | エアコンをつけたまま、家を出ました。 I left home with the air conditioner on. | 今のまま as it is now | |
~としたら | V-るとしたら i-adj-いとしたら na-adjだとしたら Nだとしたら | If (hypothetically) ~; in the case that ~ | 車を購入するとしたらどれが欲しいですか? If you were to buy a car, which would you want? | 中国に旅行をしに行くとしたら、どこがおすすめですか? If you were to go on a trip to China, where would you recommend? | |
~たて | V-Stemたて | Just ~; freshly ~ | 焼きたてのパンがフワフワで美味しいね。 Freshly baked bread is soft and delicious. | ~たて is a の-adj | |
~っぽい | V-Stemっぽい i-adjっぽい na-adjっぽい Nっぽい | Like ~; ~-ish; with ~ character | わがままで図々しい言い方は子供っぽい。 That selfish and impudent way of speaking is childish. | この料理は油っぽくて食べにくいよね。 This food is greasy and difficult to eat. | |
~に関して | >Nに関して >Nに関する | In regards to ~; in relation to ~ | 子供の教育に関してお話したいです。 I want to talk with you in regards to the child'd education. | 先生に就職に関するアドバイスを聞きました。 I asked my teacher for advice regarding job hunting. | |
ふり | Vふり(にする) i-adj-いふり(にする) na-adjなふり(にする) Nのふり(にする) | Pretend to ~ | 友達とメールしていたのに、上司が怒らないように仕事をしているふりにした。 Although I was emailing my friend, I pretended to be working so my boss wouldn't get angry. | 聞こえないふりにした。 I pretended like I couldn't hear him. | |
おかげで | Vおかげで Nのおかげで | Thanks to ~; because of ~ | 先生のおかげでN3を合格しました。 I passed the N3 thanks to my teacher. | ダイエットを頑張ったおかげで体重が減りました。 My weight decreased because I worked hard at dieting. | |
つい~てしまう | ついV-てしまう | ~ without thinking; ~ unintentionally | ダイエット中なのに、レストランでついデザートを食べてしまった。 Although I am on a diet, I ate dessert at the restaurant without thinking. | レポートを書こうと思ったけど、ついFacebookを見始めてしまいました。 I was going to write the report, but I started looking at facebook without thinking. | Has a negative connotation. V-ちゃう can be used in place of V-てしまう. |
V-ちゃう | End up ~. Conveys that one did something regrettably or completely. Short form of V-てしまう. | ダイエット中なのに、レストランでついデザートを食べちゃいました。 Although I am on a diet, I ate dessert at the restaurant without thinking. | 宿題を完了したのに、忘れちゃった。 I completed my homework, but completely forgot it. | ||
~さえ | Nさえ | Even ~. Gives an extreme example, implying that other cases are naturally true. | 今年日本語を勉強し始めたから、カタカナさえ読めない。 I started studying Japanese this year, so I can't even read katakana. | 仕事がとても忙しいので、テレビを見る暇さえないです。 Work is very busy, so I do not even have time to watch TV. | |
~に慣れる | Nに慣れる | Become used to ~ | 東京に3年間住んで、混んでいる電車に慣れました。 I lived in Tokyo for 3 years and became used to the crowded trains. | 働き始めてから朝早く起きることに慣れるまで数カ月かかると思います。 I think it takes a few months after you start working to get used to waking up early. | |
~に違いない | I am sure that ~; I absolutely think ~ | 今日も彼は遅刻するに違いない。 I am sure that he will be late today also. | トムは日本に10年住んでいるから日本語が上手に話せるに違いないです。 Tom has lived in Japan for 10 years, so I am sure he can speak Japanese well. | ||
V-ず | Without doing ~ Similar meaning to V-ないで. | スライドを準備せず、発表しました。 I presented without preparing slides. | 何も言わず、彼は帰ってしまいました。 He went home without saying anything. | ||
~によると ~によれば | Nによると Nによれば | According to ~ | 天気予報によると、あさっては雨だそうです。 According to the weather forecast, the day after tomorrow will be rain. | 先生によると生徒の半分が日本語能力試験のN3を合格した。 According to sensei, half of the students passed the JLPT N3. | |
~代わりに | i-adj-い代わりに na-adjな代わりに Nの代わりに | Instead of ~, in place of ~; in return for ~, in exchange for ~ | 上司の代わりに出張に行く。 I will go on a business trip in place of my superior. | 駅に遠いアパートは便利な代わりに安いです。 The apartment that is far from the station is cheap instead of being convenient. | |
~として | Nとして | As ~. Gives a role, position, credential, etc. | 学生として日本に来ました。 I came to Japan as a student. | プロ選手としてベースボールをやりたい。 I want to play baseball as a professional athlete. | |
~こそ | Nこそ | For sure ~. Puts emphasis on the preceeding N. | 今年こそN3を合格したい! I want to pass the N3 for sure this year. | 「すみませんでした。」「ごめんなさい、私こそ悪かったです。」 "Sorry." "Sorry, I was bad (it was my fault)." | |
~ないうちに | V-ないうちに | Before ~ happens; before ~ starts. | 雨が降らないうちに店に行ってきます。 I will go to the store and come back before it starts to rain. | 赤ちゃんが起きないうちに昼ご飯を食べよう。 Let's eat lunch before the baby wakes up. | |
~がち | V-Stemがち | Tends to ~; often ~; easily becomes ~ | 弱いから風邪をひきがちの人です。 I am the kind of person who often catches a cold because I am weak. | 疲れると短期的になって起こりがちです。 When I am tired, I become short tempered and tend to get angry. | |
~と共に | V-ると共に Nと共に | Together with; at the same time | 眺めと共に美味しいご飯をお楽しんでください。 Please enjoy the view together with a delicious meal. | 年をとると共に体力がなくなる。 You lose physical strength as you get older. | |
~たびに | V-るたびに Nのたびに | Everytime ~. Expresses that each time something happens, something else happens. | ジョンさんは会うたびに、別な女とデートしている。 Everytime I meet John he is dating another woman. | この曲を聴くたびに子供のときを思い出す。 I recall my childhood everytime I hear this song. | |
~について | Nについて | In regards to ~ | 明日の予定について、田中さんと相談してください。 Please consult Tanaka-san in regards to tomorrow's schedule. | この文法点について質問がありますか? Are there any questions in regards to this grammar point? | |
~べき | V-るべき i-adj-くあるべき na-adjであるべき Nであるべき | Should ~. Very strong statement, usually expressing a personal value or social norm. | お客様と話したら敬語を使うべきです。 You should use keigo when speaking with a customer. | 山田さんと約束したから会いに行くべきだと思うよ。 I think you should go and meet Yamada-san because you made a promise with her. | する ⇒ すべき |
~べきではない | V-るべきではない i-adj-くあるべきではない na-adjであるべきではない Nであるべきではない | Should not ~. This is the negative of ~べき. | 電車で大きな声で話すべきではない。 You should not speak in a loud voice on the train. | 暴力はダメだから殴ったりすべきではない。 Violence is bad so you shouldn't do things like hit others. | する ⇒ すべき |
~ことはない | V-ることはない | There is no need to ~ | 締め切りは来週なので、急ぐことはないですよ。 The deadline is next week, so there is no need to rush. | アマゾンで注文できるから店に行くことはない。 You can order it on Amazon, so there is no need to go to the store. | |
~はずがない | ~ is not possible; I cannot ~. | 日本語を勉強し始めたばかりだから、N1を合格するはずがない。 I just started studying Japanese, so I cant pass the N1. | 毎日単語を100つ習えるはずがない。 It is not possible to learn 100 vocabulary everyday. | ||
めったに~ない | めったにV-ない | Rarely; hardly ever. | 健康に良くないので、めったにマックドナルドで食べないです。 I rarely eat at McDonalds because it is not good for my health. | 最近ネットフリックスがあるからめったに映画を見に行かない。 Since there is Netflix, I rarely go to see movies. | |
~わけです | Therefore ~; For this reason, ~. Expresses a result or effect. | 「今年災害で白菜があまりないんだね。」「値段が上がっているわけだね。」 "This year there is not a lot of Chinese cabbage due to the natural disaster." "For that reason the price is increasing." | 「ジョンさんが面接を受かったらしいですよ。」「だから嬉しそうだったわけですね。」 "It seems John passed the interview." "I see, that's why he seemed happy." | ||
~わけにはいかない | V-るわけにはいかない | Must not ~; Cannot ~. Used when there is some existing reason you must not do something. | 水曜日にお客様との打ち合わせなので、仕事を休むわけにはいかない。 Wednesday is a meeting with a customer, so I cannot take off from work. | 明日までにレポートを出さないといけないから、まだ寝るわけにはいかない。 I have to submit the report by tomorrow, so I cannot sleep yet. | Not used if the existing reason is personal (ex. 「スイーツが嫌いだからケーキを食べるわけにはいかない」 is an awkward sentence.). Also see ~ないわけにはいかない. |
~ないわけにはいかない | V-ないわけにはいかない | Must ~. There is an existing reason you must do something. | 水曜日にお客様との打ち合わせなので、準備しないわけにはいかない。 Wednesday is a meeting with a customer, so I must prepare. | Opposite of ~わけにはいかない | |
~わけがない | ~ cannot be; There is no way that ~ | 1000万円のバッグは買えるわけがない。 There is no way I can buy a 10M yen bag. | あなたならできるわけがない。 There is no way you can do it. | Also see ~ないわけがない | |
~ないわけがない | You can definitely ~; There is no reason ~ cannot be. | サムは日本語がペラペラだし、N3を合格できないわけがないよ。 Sam, you are fluent in Japanese so there is no reason you cannot pass the N3. | あなたならできないわけがない。 You can definitely do it. | Opposite of ~わけがない | |
~とは限らない | ~ is not necessarily true; ~ is not always true. | 努力したから成績が良いとは限りません。 Your results will not always be good just because you tried hard. | 本に書いてあることは真実とは限らない。 Things written in books are not always true. | ||
~ついでに | V-る、V-たついでに Nのついでに | At the same time as ~; While you are ~. | 買い物のついでに郵便局に行ってくれる? Will you go to the post office for me while you are shopping? | 買い物に行くついでに手紙を出します。 I will mail the letter when I go shopping. | |
~ように言われた。 | I was told to ~. | 医師にお酒を控えるように言われました。 I was told to cut back on alcohol by the doctor. | 先生にノートとペンを持つように言われた。 I was told to bring a pen and notebook by the teacher. | ||
~ということです (Hearsay) | I have heard that ~. Expresses hearsay. | 明日雨が降るということです。 I have heard that it will rain tomorrow. | 新しい社員は頭が良いということです。 I have heard that the new employee is smart. | ||
~ということです (Conclusion) | That means that ~. | 「このシャツは2枚買うと4000円です。」「一枚は2000円ということですね。」 "If you buy two of these shirts it is 4000 yen." "So that means one is 2000 yen." | |||
~ていく | V-ていく | 1) To ~ and go (to another place). 2) To continue ~. An action/state will continue into the future. 3) ~ will progress. Something that has been progressing will continue to progress into the future. 4) ~ will stop/disappear. Due to ~, something will disappear or stop. | 日本語能力試験を合格しても日本語を勉強していきます。 I will continue studying Japanese even if I pass the JLPT. | 食べるのが好きだから、体重がドンドン増えていく。 My weight will continue to increase because I like eating. (I have been gaining weight and will probably continue to gain weight.) | This is a grammar pattern with many nuanced meanings. Mastering it makes you sound very good at Japanese. |
~ていく | V-てくる | 1) ~ and come back. 2) To continue ~. An action/state from the past is continuing in the present. 3) ~ has become apparent. You are now able to see something that you could not before. 4) Has become ~. There has been some change and ~ has started. | スーパーで買ってくる。 I will buy it at the supermarket and come back. | 日本人は昔から米を食べてきました。 Japanese people continue to eat rice (starting from long ago). | This is a grammar pattern with many nuanced meanings. Mastering it makes you sound very good at Japanese. |
NってN | NってN | The ~ called ~. This is a shortened, casual version of ~という~. | 田中さんって人知り合っている? Do you know ther person called Takana? | インフルエンザって病気かかったら怖いよね。 If you catch the sickness called influenze, it is scary. | |
V-Stem出す | V-Stem出す | ~ starts (suddenly) | 赤ちゃんはお腹が空いて、急に泣き出した。 The baby was hungry and suddenly started to cry. | 傘持っていないので、雨が降り出したら困る。 I do not have an umbrella so it will be a problem if it rains. | |
V-ようとする | V-ようとする | About to start to ~, will try to ~. | 外で遊ぼうとしましたが、雨が降り出しました。 I was about to play outside , but it started to rain. | 「娘は明日試験があるのに、勉強しようとしない。」「困ったね。」 "My daughter has a test tomorrow, but will not even try studying." "That's tough." | The negative V-ようとしない indicates that you are critical of someone because they will not consider trying to ~. |
~こともある | V-る、V-ないこともある | Sometimes do ~; ~ occasionally happens. | 2月になると東京で雪が降ることもあります。 It sometimes snows in Tokyo in February. | 仕事のストレスがあって、日本語の勉強を集中できないこともあります。 Sometimes I have stress from work and cannot concentrate on my Japanese studies. | |
~られてしまう | (Personに)(Objectを)V-られてしまう | ~ was done by someone else and it inconvenienced you. Using the passive form with Personに or Objectを has a strong negative connotation. られちゃう is the shortened, casual form of られてしまう. | プレゼントでもらったケーキを弟に食べられてしまった。 The cake I received as a present was eaten by my younger brother. | わざと作ってあげたのにピザが嫌いと言われてしまった。 Although I made it for her, she said she doesn't like pizza. | |
~による ~によって (方法) | NによるN Nによって | Via ~. Expresses the means or method of doing something. | ウェビナーをホームページによって、登録をお願いします。 Please register for the webinar via our homepage. | ホームページによる登録人数が54人です。 The number of people who registered via our homepage is 54. | Similar to ~で. |
~に対する ~に対して | Nに対するN Nに対して | In regards to ~, as for ~, towards ~, for ~. Often used for direct actions or feelings toward another person. Often used to address a problem or refute an opinion. | お客さんに対して敬語を使います。 I used keigo towards customers. | この病気に対する薬がありません。 There is no medicine for this illness. | |
~につき~ | ~ per ~ | 1時間につき1000円です。 It is 1000 yen per hour. | |||
~通り | V-る、V-た通り N(の)通り | In that way, in the same way as. | 天気予報の通り、昨日は雨でした。 It rained yesterday, just as the weather report said. | 思った通り試験は難しかった。 As I thought, the test was difficult. | |
V-ちゃいけない | V-てはいけない ⇒ V-ちゃいけない V-ではいけない ⇒ V-じゃいけない | Must not ~. This is a shortened (and casual) form of V-てはいけない | 見ちゃいけない Must not see | 20歳になる前にお酒を飲んじゃいけない。 You must not drink alcohol before you turn 20 years old. | |
V-なきゃいけない | V-なければいけない ⇒ V-なきゃいけない | Must ~. This is a shortened (and casual) form of V-なければいけない. | 明日は仕事だから早く起きなきゃいけない。 Tomorrow is work, so I must wake up early. | 国民の皆は税金を払わなきゃいけないよ。 All residents must pay taxes. | In casual conversation you may often hear V-なきゃいけない shortened to V-なきゃ. |
V-なくちゃいけない | V-なくてはいけない ⇒ V-なくちゃいけない | Must ~. This is a shortened (and casual) form ov V-なくてはいけない | レポートがあるから本を読まなくちゃいけない。 I must read the book because I have a report. | 明日は試験だから勉強しなくちゃいけない。 I have a test tomorrow, so I must study. | |
V-なきゃ | Must ~. This is the casual equivalent of V-なきゃいけない. いけない is left off in casual conversation where it is understood. | レポートがあるから本を読まなきゃ。 I must read the book because I have a report. | 明日は試験だから勉強しなきゃ。 I have a test tomorrow, so I must study. | ||
~っけ | ~だっけ ~だったっけ | It was ~, right? This is used to confirm something you are unsure about. | ジョンが見たい映画は来週出るんだっけ? The movie that Jon wants to see is coming out next week, right? | 試験は水曜日だったけ? The test is on Wednesday, right? | |
Nって | って has the same meaning as は. This substitution is used mainly in conversation. | トムっていつ日本に来たの? When did Tom come to Japan? | |||
~ほど~ない | Not as ~ as ~ | 今年の夏は去年ほど熱くない。 This summer is not as hot as last year. | エミリーほど日本語が上手ではないけど、なんとなく話せる。 I am not as good at Japanese as Emily, but I can manage to speak. | ||
V-Stem、~ | This conjuction has the same meaning as "V-て、~". Often used in more formal situations. | 明日渋谷に行き、お客さんに訪問します。 Tomorrow I will go to Shibuya and visit the customer. | 情報を記入し、資料をあの箱に入れてください。 Please fill the information and put the documents in that box. | する becomes し. | |
~きる | V-Stemきる | Do ~ completely; do ~ to the end | お腹が空いて、ピザを一枚一人で食べきった。 I was hungry and ate one entire pizza by myself. | この本が面白くて、1日以内読みきった。 This book is interesting so I read it completely within a day. | ~きれない means that ~ cannot be done completely. 一人で食べきれない。 I cannot eat this by myself. |
~というと ~といえば ~といったら | Nというと Nといえば Nといったら | As an example of ~; when speaking of ~. This pattern is often used to express a famous/well known example of ~. | 大阪の料理といえば、焼きそばやお好み焼きが人気ですね。 When speaking of Osaka food, yakisoba or okonomiyaki are popular. | ||
~による ~によって (理由・原因) | NによるN Nによって | Resulting from ~. Expresses a reason. | 地震による津波の心配はありません。 There is no reason to worry about a tsunami resulting from the earthquake. | お酒による交通事故 a traffic accident caused by alcohol | |
~うちに | V-るうちに V-ているうちに | While ~; during ~. Something changes or occurs at the same time as ~. | アメリカと比べたらこのアパートは狭いと思いますが、住んているうちに慣れます。 I think this apartment is small compared to America, but you will get used to it while you live here. | 最初は大変だったが、見ているうちに日本語のニュースが分かるようになった。 It was difficult in the beginning, but I came to understand Japanese news as I watched it. | |
~ばいいのに | V-ばいいのに i-adj-ければいいのに na-adjならいいのに Nならいいのに | Too bad it is not ~; If only it were ~. Expresses disappointment that the current situation is not as the speaker hoped. | もうちょっとゆっくりして話せばいいのに。 It is too bad we cannot take our time and talk a little more. | 「もっと安ければいいのに。」「そうだね、買いたかった」 "If only it were a bit cheaper." "Yeah, I wanted to buy one." | Can also be used with the negative ~なければ or other conditional forms such as ~たら. |
~てもらってもいいですか? | V-てもらってもいいですか? V-ていただいてもいいですか? | Can I have you ~? This is a request that is less direct that ~てください. ~ていただいてもいいですか is the polite form of ~てもらってもいいですか. | 明日までに部屋を準備してもらってもいいですか? Can I have you prepare the room by tomorrow? | すみません、もう一回言っていただいてもいいですか? I'm sorry, can I have you say that one more time? | いただく is the polite form of もらう. |
~かのよう(に、な) | It seems like ~ (but it actually not) | 4月なのにとても暑くて、夏になったかのように感じた。 Although it was April, it was very hot and felt like it had become summer. | わがままで子供であるかのような言い方でした。 It was said in a way that was selfish and seemed like a child. | ||
~向け | Geared towards ~; made for ~ | この映画は子供向けなのに、大人も楽しめると思います。 This movie is geared towards children, but I think it can be enjoyed by adults also. | 外国人向けのビサ相談サービス a visa advisory service geared towards foreigners | ||
~最中(に) | V-ている最中に Nの最中に | While I was in the middle of ~; just as I was ~. Something happened (interrupted you) while you were in the middle of doing something. | 仕事の最中に友達から電話がきました。 A call came from my friend while I was working. | メールを書いている最中にパソコンの電源が切れた。 The power on my computer went out while I was in the middle of writing an email. | |
~しかない | V-るしかない Nしかない | ~ is the only option; have no choice but to ~. | 合格するかどうか分からないけど、頑張るしかない。 I don't know if I will pass or not, but I have no choice but to try. | 仕事だから行くしかない。 I have no choice but to go because it is work. | |
~からこそ | Especially because ~ | 「難しくて、合格できないかも。」「難しいからこそ、頑張るしかない。」 "It is difficult and I probably cannot pass." "You must try hard especially because it is difficult." | 子供が使うからこそ洗いたいです。 I want to wash it especially because the child will use it. | ||
からといって | Just because …, does not mean … Eventhough …, you still should not … | 運動したからといって、何でも食べられるわけがないよ。 Just because you excercised does not mean you can eat anything. | 日本語能力試験が終わったからといって、復習しないと忘れちゃうよ。 Eventhough the JLPT is over, if you do not review, you will forget it all. | ||
~ぎみ | V-Stemぎみ Nぎみ | Feel (slightly) like ~. Often used to describe your physical or mental state. | 今朝から頭痛があって、風邪をひきぎみです。 I have had a headache from this morning and feel like I am catching a cold. | 今朝から頭痛があって、風邪ぎみです。 I have had a headache from this morning and feel like I have a cold. | |
~っぱなし | V-Stemっぱなし | Leave in the state of ~. This has a negative connotation. | 電気をつけっぱなしで出かけないで。 Don't go out and leave the lights on. | ドアを開けっぱなしにしないで。 Do not leave the door open. | |
~とか~とか | ~や~や. Indicates examples, etc. | トーストとかフルーツとか、洋食の朝ご飯が好きです。 I like western style breakfast like toast and fruits. | テレビが好きで、毎日ドラマとか見ています。 I like TV and watch drama and other things everyday. | ||
~てはいけない | V-てはいけない | Must not ~ | 明日会議があるので、仕事を休んではいけない。 I have a conference tomorrow, so I must not take off from work. | 税金の支払いを忘れてはいけない。 You must not forget to pay your taxes. | |
~なくてはいけない | V-なくてはいけない | Must ~ | 明日会議があるので、会社に行かなくてはいけない。 I have a conference tomorrow, so I must go to work. | 税金を支払わなくてはいけない。 You must pay your taxes. | |
~でございます | です⇒でございます でした⇒でございました | Humble form of です | こちらは上司の田中でございます。 This is my superior, Yamada. | そちらは紅茶、こちらはお茶でございます。 That is black tea and this is green tea. | |
~だそうです | V-Plainそうです i-adj-いそうです na-adjだそうです Nだそうです | It seems that ~; I heard that ~. This expresses something you heard (or read). | 天気予報によると明日降らないそうです。 According to the weather report, it seems it will not rain tomorrow. | あの店は人気だそうです。 I heard that store is popular. | Different from ~そうです, which is based on first-hand information. だそうです:ニュースによれば、雨が降るそうです。According to the news, it will probably rain. そうです:雨が降りそうです。It looks like it will rain (physically looking at the sky). |